"Did you and Ivan use a condom?”

“Wh-what? Why are you asking me this?” My heart lodges in my throat and I stop in my tracks.

“Wait a second, you don’t think—"

Shae grabs a test off the shelf and hands it to me. "You need to take the test."

She pays for the test, and we quickly exit the store. When we return to the house, Dad is gone, and we go straight to the bathroom.

If I'm pregnant, what will Ivan do? Will he stick by my side or toss me away like all his other one-night stands? I hope he meant it when he said I'm different.

I pee on the stick, and Shae and I watch it on the counter.

With a deep breath, I brace myself for the news that will determine my future. As my eyes glance down to scan the test result, a million thoughts and feelings stir within me - joy at what could be ahead, fear of life's uncertainties.

Two pink lines. The test is positive.

A tight knot of fear settles in my chest, and I lunge forward.

"Cassidy," Shae reaches for me and manages to steady me before I smack my head on the counter.

She guides me to my bedroom, and I get onto the bed.

My mind is spinning. I'm pregnant - with Ivan's child. This baby is a part of me and was created from something special. Now all I could do was hope that Ivan felt the same. Tears stream down my face, and Shae sits with me, holding me, and tells me it will be okay.

She helps me change into pajamas and brings me soup and crackers for nausea. After a couple of hours, I tell her to head home and that I'll be okay. I promise to call her later this evening.

I snuggle under the blankets and drift off to sleep with thoughts about being a single mom and raising the baby without Ivan.

There is a knock on my door. I look at my phone. It's evening.

"Come in," I say, sitting up in bed.

Dad sits on the bed and looks around the room. "I see Shae worked some magic on your room. I’m glad I let her in. She's a good friend."

I nod, and tears roll down my cheeks.

"Oh, sweetheart," he hugs me. "I know you care about Ivan, but the bastard isn't worth a single tear."

"It isn't that,” I sniffle and wipe away tears. “I'm pregnant."

My dad's eyes widen. "Are you sure?" he asks softly.

"Yes, I took a test." I stare at my lap and pick nervously at the blanket.

He takes my hands in his, and we sit in silence for several minutes before he speaks.

He lifts his head and asks, "Is Ivan the father?"

I nod. “And you’re sure?”

“Positive,” I whisper, looking down.

My dad sighs and stands up. "You know he's not the kind of guy that settles down, Cassidy. Have you told him yet?"

I shake my head, and tears stream down my face again.

"We will figure it out," Dad says as he pulls me into a hug. "I'll take care of it."