"I'm hungry, but not for what's in the kitchen," I reply.

She laughs and slaps my shoulder. "I’ll satisfy that hunger later. I promise."

I chuckle and head back to the kitchen, my heart still pounding from our heated kiss. I prepare a quick fruit arrangement and place a pitcher of orange juice on the island. I slip on a pair of oven mitts and then slide in the casserole dish. As it bakes, I prepare two plates with cutlery and condiments. I want everything to be perfect for Cassidy.

Then I hear my doorbell. I furrow my brow. The only people who can ring the doorbell are those who have the code for the elevator. My first thoughts are that it's Dane or Ezra.

I didn't plan on any guests today and am not in the mood to entertain. I want to enjoy every moment with Cassidy. Just the two of us.

I stroll to the foyer and open the door. My eyes widen with shock when I see the face behind the door.


I'm frozen in place, and my heart pounds. I have been so happy, causing me to forget some of the major barriers standing in our way.

Antonio. Her father. My best friend.

“Antonio!” I greet him, plastering a fake smile and attempting to push back the shock I feel. “What are you doing here?” I don’t want him to feel unwelcome. “You should’ve sent me a text. I might not have been here.”

Antonio laughs. “Why, do you have a lady friend over?”

My heart races as I think about how bad this could turn out at any moment. I remember that I don’t have a shirt on, and if I'm not careful, he will know exactly what's going on. After all, he’s not an idiot. I have to play this very carefully.

“Yes,” I tell him. “I do have a lady friend over.”

He smirks. “Oh yeah? Anyone good?”


“I’m guessing that daughter of mine is out with some of her friends or the new guy she's dating?”

Can I really lie straight to his face and not feel guilty about it? I don’t know how I’m going to pull this off. “Yeah,” I say, lying through my teeth. “She went out with friends. She only went out with Damien once and called it quits." Stick to the truth. The closer that I stay to the truth, the better.

“Damn,” Antonio sighs. “I actually liked him. Well, I’m sure she’ll find someone better. I want her to be happy.”

“Me too,” I agree. I hold up a finger. “Give me one second.”

I go to the kitchen and pick up my phone. Cassidy better not come down here, or all hell will break loose. I need her to stay upstairs and stay hidden. I know that Antonio wants to see her, but I plan to take him out to breakfast or something, and he can see her when we return. She can pretend that she just got back from hanging out with Shae. He won't think anything of it, and our relationship can stay hidden a bit longer.

At some point, Antonio needs to know the truth. He's my best friend, so he knows all about my past, and there is no way he would want me to be with his daughter if he thinks I haven't changed my ways. But he's her father, and I want to prove I've changed.

My intentions are good, but actions speak louder than words.

I send the text.Your dad is here. Do not come downstairs.

As soon as I send the message, I feel Antonio place a hand on my shoulder. I put my phone in my pocket.

“Don’t tell me.” He holds up his hand, trying to suppress a grin. “This girl has you cooking breakfast?” He laughs. “You never cook! Seems like she might be a special one.”

“She is.” I wish I could tell him. I usually tell him everything about my women, but not this time.

Just as I think my grandiose plan will work, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.


My heart races. I pull my phone out of my pocket and look down at it. She hasn't seen the message.

“Oh, it looks like I get to meet the lucky lady, huh?” Antonio says.