"Nina told us not to worry and that she wants us to enjoy the last day of our vacation," Antonio says.

"That sounds like her. She's the most selfless person I know," Cassidy replies.

"I agree. I haven't known her long, but her big heart is obvious," I add.

Cassidy gives me a genuine smile, and my heart jumps.

"Let's try to enjoy our last day," Antonio finishes.

Cassidy and I put some eggs and toast on our plates. When I see the look on Cassidy's face when she takes a bite of the eggs, I know they are shit. Antonio is a man of many talents, but cooking isn't one of them. I eat the eggs and butter the toast with a straight face.

Antonio turns towards Cassidy, "Are you all settled to move into your new place?"

Cassidy visibly gulps. "Uh...well...actually, the deal fell through."

Antonio drops his forks. "What?"

"I heard from the agent about it, and I've been looking for a place, and he has been helping, but so far, nothing."

I interject. "I offered her a room at my penthouse." Cassidy shoots me a dirty look. "She turned me down."

Antonio turns back to look at his daughter, "Why?"

"Dad, it's too much. I don’t want to intrude on Ivan like that."

Lies. To her credit, she told the lie with a straight believable face. The truth is she doesn't want to be close to me and I know it.

"Really, it's no trouble at all,” I say. “I have plenty of room.”

Cassidy staying with me would be a dream come true. I already can't get her out of my mind, and being alone with her without her father around will allow us to explore what is happening between us.

He looks at her. "Cassidy, if Ivan says it's not a problem, it's not a problem." He looks at me with a smile. "I have never known Ivan not to speak his mind."

"Hell yeah, I speak my mind." I take a long sip of coffee to cover up the taste of the rubbery eggs. "You will have your room with an ensuite on the other side of the penthouse. It will be peaceful, quiet, and luxurious. Better than any shitty apartment you will find last minute in New York, I’ll tell you that."

She smiles, but I can tell it's fake. "I guess it's settled then." She turns her attention back to her father, the fake smile still on her face.

Antonio claps his hands together. "Great! That's one crisis averted." His phone rings, and he checks the caller ID. "Excuse me. I have to take this."

When her father is out of the room, she turns on me with a face full of anger. "What the fuck, Ivan? You know we can't stay together!"

I arch a brow. "That's some strong language for a young lady. No, I don't know that we can't stay together. We are consenting adults."

She narrows her eyes. "Yes, we are, and I don't consent to stay with you."

I take a bite of toast and say casually while chewing, "Would you rather sleep on the streets?"

"Smartass," she shoots back, rolling her eyes. There’s something so cute about her when she’s pissed off.

I shrug. "Cassidy, this arrangement makes the most sense for you." I lean in close to her. "We won't live together forever, and it will give us a chance to have a repeat of what happened in the ocean." I wink at her and grin.

She blushes.

"I loved how you cried out when I sucked on your perky nipples." I lick my lips. "I wonder what you will sound like when I eat your sweet pussy."

She jumps to her feet pushing away from the table. "You'll never find out. Never."

"The lady doth protest too much!" I chuckle. "I know you want me."