Cassidy said the same thing. "When I go after something, I get it."
Dane sits at the table, and my chef promptly places additional plates. "Who is joining us?"
I laugh humorlessly. "You think you're staying for dinner?"
"Hell yeah we are, bro," Ezra says confidently as he sits. "Dane and I are both off for the night, and we managed to get a babysitter for the kids.” He takes a sip of water from the glass. "We came all this way to bond with our little brother."
I’ve got to hand it to Ezra. He always manages to call the shots between us all. I guess that’s one of the perks of being the oldest, most ‘responsible’ brother. My parents always wanted me to be more like him – classy, sophisticated…boring. That just isn’t me.
I point at him. "Don’t bullshit me. Mom put you up to this, didn’t she?"
He smiles, putting up his hands, "You got me."
"So, little bro,” Dane asks, ruffling up my hair. I fucking hate when he does that. “What's caused this so-called change in you?"
I place the bottle of bourbon in the liquor cabinet and don't answer.
Ezra says, "Don't tell me. It's a woman."
"Yes, a woman," I admit.
Just then, I hear a noise coming from behind me. Cassidy is standing at the entrance to the dining room.
"Sorry, I didn't realize Ivan's family was here." She turns to leave.
Dane jumps to his feet. “Don’t apologize,” he says quickly. “Take a seat and join us.”
Cassidy smiles and takes a seat. I introduce everyone at the table and explain why Cassidy stays with me.
Dane says, "I've met your father a couple of times, and he's a good man."
Cassidy gives a shy smile and says, "Thank you. He is."
I try to ignore the tension in the air. Dinner is served, and the chef and server excuse themselves for the evening. I usually don’t ask that they stay until after dinner. I can load the remaining dishes into the dishwasher myself.
I smile as I look down at my plate. The pork loin chops are perfectly cooked, with a crispy golden-brown crust from the pan searing. The herb roasted potatoes and broccoli rabe with a balsamic glaze provide an earthy flavor that complements the savory pork.
During dinner, we all converse about our jobs and families. Cassidy blends in so well with my brothers; in no time, the atmosphere lightens, and I enjoy the dinner.
Ezra and Dane excuse themselves shortly after dinner, and I see them to the door.
“See you later,” I say as we reach the front door. “And next time, call me before you come by. Assholes.” I say jokingly as Ezra claps me on the back harder than necessary and Dane ruffles my fucking hair one last time on their way out.
“I’ll do that once you start doing the same thing in return,” Ezra calls back.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“I like Cassidy,” Dane comments. “She’s a keeper.”
My heart skips a beat, but I keep my face neutral. “She’ll only be here for a couple of months."
Dane points at me. "Then don't fuck it up."
I close the door as they leave and return to find Cassidy in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher.
"You don't have to do that," I say, sidling up to her.
She shrugs. "I find it calming."