I think about the women at the pub and shake my head.
Me: Why don’t you cook for one of your many women? Cooking a meal won’t get me to drop my panties for you. That doesn’t work on me.
I don't want to get caught in the gravitational pull that is Ivan.
Ivan: Cassidy, I'm hurt.
I laugh.
Me: Stop playing. You're not hurt, and you know your reputation proceeds you.
Ivan: Fine. You're right, but I'm still cooking for you. See you at seven.
I start to type a reply, and then my phone chimes again.
Ivan: No excuses. Tonight, it is just the two of us.
I arrive back at the beach house. I spent most of the day on the beach to get some time to myself, and I didn't want to return until I had to. With a worried sigh, I recheck my phone, but there is still no word from Nina. I don't want to bother her at a stressful time like this, so I send her an encouraging message and ask her to call me as soon as she has an update.
Her youngest son, Mario, is the cutest, sweetest kid. Tears prick my eyes. I remind myself that an appendectomy is routine, and Mario is in good hands.
I take a walk along the beach before entering the house.
The sun hangs low, and the sky is painted with pink, orange, and purple streaks. I walk along the shoreline, feeling the warm sand beneath my feet as waves splash against my ankles. The white-crested waves crash on the beach.
In the distance, I can see the rocky cliffs that line the coastline. The breeze brings a sea salt smell that reminds me of summer days spent on the beach with my parents. If my mom was alive, I wonder what she would think of Ivan.
I hug myself as I look out at the water, feeling the loss of my mother. There were so many times growing up when I needed her advice and comfort. My father did his best, but he could not replace my mother.
I take a deep breath and count myself grateful to have a father who loves me so much. Only some have that.
After a few more moments on the beach, I return to the house. I need to shower and change into some fresh clothes. After a day of lounging on the beach, the salty scent clings to my clothes.
Ivan is already in the kitchen, his back to me. He's cooking and humming a familiar tune, but I can't quite place it. Quickly and quietly, I walk by the kitchen and head to my bedroom to get ready.
I bite my lip as I think about dinner alone with Ivan. I’d spent too much time looking through my clothes, trying to decide what to wear. What does it matter? It's not a date. It’s just dinner with Ivan. Alone. In a house. Without anyone else here to interrupt…
No, Cassidy. It would be best if you got that out of your mind.But the thoughts won't leave.
I decide to go with a casual look for dinner. I pull my long red hair into a high ponytail and leave some strands loose around my face, framing it perfectly. I create a shimmery look with my eye makeup and nude lipstick, keeping the focus on my eyes. I opt for a red off-the-shoulder top paired with white shorts and wedges.
I take a deep breath and enter the kitchen. I can feel Ivan's gaze on me, but I ignore it as I set the table for dinner. I will not succumb to his charms.
"Cassidy," he says in his whisky-smooth voice. "You look stunning."
His eyes move over my body, causing a blast of heat to root me to the floor. He watches me like I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
"Thanks," I say and look back at the table.
Don't fall for it.
"Cassidy, look at me."
The deep timbre of his voice sends shivers over me. Is it possible to orgasm from just a voice? I'll have to ask Shae about that.
I look up at him. He’s wearing a white button up shirt draped wide open to showcase his chiseled abs and tattoo, along with khaki cargo shorts. His broad shoulders, mesmerizing hazel eyes, strong jawline, and taped waist make Ivan look like he's stepped out of a cologne ad.
"Are you still mad?"