“How did I know that was coming?”

“Because you’re starting to really know me,” Kace said, and I liked that answer.

“Fine. Questions. Go.”

“First question, because I’ve got to know,” he said. “When do you feel most confident around me?”

“When my tongue is on your cock,” I said without hesitation.

His eyebrows shot up. “When your tongue is onmycock? Not the other way around?”

I shrugged. “There’s something about it. I like knowing that you want me to get you off. That you trust me with it. That you find it hot that I’m so inexperienced, rather than being disappointed. That you, uh, want me.”

The last part came out awkwardly, but Kace didn’t seem to mind. I was already getting hard just from talking about sucking him off, and I felt like a horny teenager all over again, able to be so activated just from being in his presence.

He hummed in that soft, velvet tone, and even that low sound felt like it was starting to become hardwired straight to my dick.

“And when are you most comfortable around me?” he asked, turning his head to one side.

I contemplated for a moment. “Probably this morning.”

He was surprised again. “You seemed like you were afraid for your own life this morning,” he said. “So scared your coworkers would find out you spent the night.”

“But I felt comfortable withyou,” I clarified. “I don’t know. You seemed like you had my back. You were calm, and that helped bring me down a little, too. You knew what to give me to wear, where to tell me to go. It felt like we…”

“Like we made a good team?”

My chest felt even more molten from that comment than it had from his smoldering bedroom eyes. “Very much so,” I said, my voice dropping a little lower. “And then when you helped out with Maddy, it was even stronger. I felt so comfortable that you’d be good with her. That she would be comfortable here, too.”

“That means a lot, Nathan,” Kace said.

I paused for a moment, letting a comfortable silence hang in the air between us. Kace was the kind of person who could insert a joke or a flirty moment into anything, but right now he was being completely serious.

I acted on instinct, shifting over on the couch and closing the distance between us.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, kissing him softly. He seemed surprised at first, and I was just as surprised. I hadn’t exactly made a decision to kiss him, it had just happened. It had felt like a natural thing, to kiss him because we’d just shared a sweet moment together and I wanted to make it sweeter.

He relaxed against my touch and reached out, softly dragging his hand from my shoulder down onto my chest as we kissed.

I broke off from him, leaning my forehead against his and staying close to his face.

“I don’t know why I did that,” I murmured.

“I don’tcarewhy you did it,” he replied, gently gripping the front of my shirt with his hand. “I fucking loved it.”

“You did?” I asked.

“Quit playing dumb,” he told me, turning his head to one side a little. He brought his hand up to my face, tracing my lower lip with his thumb. “Kiss me anytime you want to. Kiss me while I’m making breakfast. While we’re in the bar together. Kiss me while my TV cameras are on me, and see if I stop you.”

I pulled in a sharp hiss as his fingertips skated over my nipple through the thin T-shirt fabric. He pinched it lightly, dipping to give me a little tease of a kiss again. My cock ached against my jeans, straining to break free more than ever.

“Very funny,” I said against his lips a moment later. “Not gonna happen.”

“You wouldn’t kiss me in public, if I asked you to?” he said, leaning back a little to look in my eyes.

“Kace.” I furrowed my brow, looking at him like he was nuts.

He stared at me, looking from my eyes to my lips and then back again. “What if Itoldyou to?”