I wiped away the rest on my cheek with the back of my hand, licking it off just like he had done for me earlier.

And as I looked up at him, lying back on the bed in his post-orgasm haze, it struck me.

Kace lookedbeautiful. Not porn-star hot, not cocky, not like some perfect celebrity football player. All of those things were true, but it wasn’t what caught my breath in that moment, that knocked me over by how simple it was.

He was at his calmest, right now. His happiest, maybe. Relaxed on this old guest bed in my tiny little spare room, sleepy and spent, and beautiful. I wasn’t supposed to feel like this. I wished I could curl up next to him in bed and keep him warm. Make damn sure he got a perfect night’s sleep.

It was what he needed and deserved, and I really wanted that for him. His life was a tornado, and it struck me that he desperately needed a sense of calm in the middle of all the excitement, even if he wasn’t always aware of that need.

But what the hell was I supposed to do with this strange, sudden affection?

Kace sure as hell didn’t seem to operate with affection. He was all charisma, energy, and no-strings-attached youthful charm.

I cleared my throat, standing up and reaching for my pants. Suddenly I felt completely awkward. What the hell was I thinking? I’d just invited a guest into my home and then defiled him on top of the old guest room quilt. He probably just wanted me to get the hell out already, so he could sleep.

I raked a hand through my hair. “You’ll be comfy enough in here tonight, right?”

“Nathan,” Kace said, lifting a sleepy eyebrow at me. “Thank you. For all of this.”

I swallowed, clearing my throat. “It’s no problem.”

He furrowed his brow. “You sure?”

“This was a lot of fun, Kace,” I said.

There was that word again.Fun. That was what Kace and I were allowed to do together: have fun, and nothing else.

Anything more than “just fun” seemed way too scary.

“So hot,” Kace murmured, and I could tell he was drifting off. I turned off the lamp on the bedside table and quietly left the room.



The buzz of my phone on the nightstand woke me up late in the morning, when the sun was already pouring into Nathan’s guest bedroom. I stretched out in the bed, my limbs heavy in the good way, like I’d just gotten the sleep of some sort of fucking king. Everything around me smelled like Nathan’s clean laundry, and I cozied up under the blankets, surrounding myself in it.

“Good God,” I mumbled when I checked my phone and saw that it was already past ten o’clock. I had all kinds of texts and notifications waiting, from my assistant, a few promoters, and a couple of guys asking if I wanted to chill tonight. “Chill” was definitely code for “have sex,” and usually I would have been a whole lot more excited about those messages. But right now I couldn’t care less. I just wanted to be right here where I was, even though I knew I needed to get back to my house and check on my cleanup and new security systems sooner rather than later.

I followed the delicious smell of freshly cooked bacon, padding out into the kitchen, expecting to find Nathan and Maddy. But all I found was a plate of bacon next to a note that Nathan had scribbled.

We’re out for a river cleanup volunteer event that Maddy’s school is running this morning. Feel free to have some of the bacon, or if you don’t eat bacon because it’s too unhealthy, there’s also an egg frittata in the fridge that you can heat up. Don’t have any protein powder, though, so if you need that, you’re on your own. Hope you slept well. -Nathan

“Adorable,” I said out loud to no one. “Fucking adorable.”

I ate four slices of bacon, one after another, before heading to the fridge and cutting myself a piece of the frittata. Nathan’s house was still cozy, even in the daytime, and as I sat at the old dining table I pictured Nathan’s life here.

Half of the time, he was alone here and half of the time he had his daughter. What did hedowhen he was alone? In the living room, there was a shelf with a bunch of little miniature wooden ship models, and I desperately wanted to know if Nathan had made them himself.

One of his flannel shirts was draped over the back of a dining chair and I leaned in to give it a sniff.

My cock responded immediately. Fuck, Nathan smelled good, all of the damn time. This wasn’t even just the usual cozy laundry smell, but a hint ofhim, too. Sure, I felt like a filthy creep for smelling his shirts while I was alone in his house, but what harm could come of it? The man had tasted my cum last night, so regardless of how “straight” he was, he clearly found something about me to be a turn-on.

And last night had been fun. Way too fucking fun. It was a 50/50 gamble on whether it would ever happen again, because with older straight guys, it could go either way. Nathan could ice me out, never wanting to do anything with me again, or…

Or he might end up begging me for it. Again. And again.

And my cock was going to getwaytoo hard if I thought about that right now.