I popped my shades off as I walked into the Fixer Brothers Construction offices. A blast of cool air hit my skin, the air conditioning running on the first truly hot day of early summer.

I was finishing off the last bit of a mango protein pop and I snapped a quick selfie after walking in. I kept my fans updated throughout most of my days, giving them little snapshots of my life. And this place looked fucking awesome. I wanted to get a shot in front of the long, clearly custom wood curved front desk.

“Shit. This place is chill as hell,” I said. “Look how goddamncoolthis office looks. Fully Insta-worthy.”

Vivienne reached out a hand, pushing down my phone and raising an eyebrow at me. “Hey. Remember what happened when you posted a selfie in that Nashville parking lot? I still have nightmares about that mob. Don’t do it.”

“I’m not going to upload it yet,” I said, waving a hand. “I’ll do it later. But like hell I’m not going to document my journey. I have to share things with the fans.”

Vivienne smirked. “You already share just about everything with them,” she said. “And you make it sound like you’re on a spiritual pilgrimage instead of just getting your guest house re-done.”

“Yeah, well, the guest house is important to me.” I hadn’t told Viv yet justwhythe guest house was a mandatory thing, because it wasn’t the kind of thing I talked about with anyone.

Because I didn’t knowwhenmy mom would be back in my life, but damn if I wasn’t going to have a clean and ready guest house to offer her whenever she finally did visit me.

I’d even offered to buy her a house multiple times in the last year. Before I’d come out, she and I used to joke about it all of the time. We’d say that when I was rich and famous one day, I’d have to help her out with a nice place. Now, I actuallyhadbecome rich and famous. Too bad I came out as gay, and Mom didn’t accept a dime from me or even take my calls. It still made a pit in my stomach every time I thought about how she’d been there for me at every important moment of my life, supporting me through being bullied in elementary school, learning to love sports in high school, and getting into a college on full scholarship.

…Before the one thing that broke that forever.

But I knew Mom better than anyone. I knew she couldn’t hold a grudge forever. And I kept waiting for the moment when her name would pop up on my phone, we’d talk again, and I’d be able to extend an invitation for her to come stay in the guest house, simple and easy.

First, though, I had to actuallyhavea guest house ready to be used.

I pushed those thoughts away, looking down at my phone and tapping out a caption to use on the selfie later. Connecting with my fans every day had been like a lifeline to me since losing the support of my mom and siblings. Even if Vivienne was right that sometimes the fans got demanding and pushed up against personal boundaries, it was worth it for me.

A minute later Nathan—and two people who looked a whole lot like Nathan—walked out from a hallway. I knew I was looking at the actual brothers behind the Fixer Brothers name.

“Well, fuck me sideways, from behind,andfrom the top,” I said, a wide smile tugging at my lips as I looked at all three of them. “Did someone learn to fucking 3D print hot guys, or something?”

Nathan remained in full professional mode, but I saw his eyes glimmer with the compliment. He was wearing a crisp slate blue collared shirt, nice slacks, and leather shoes, a far cry from the flannel and work jeans I’d seen him in before. It looked like he must have gotten a fresh haircut, too, cleaned up on the sides but still with the slight salt-and-pepper waves on top.

Just the right length for tugging, I thought, sucking on the remainder of my protein pop as I looked at him. I’d been perfectly polite when Nathan didn’t seem to want to do anything else with me the other night—he’d shut up like a damn clam after I came, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to pressure him into more.

But he was still hot as fuck. And I was allowed to think about him, even if nothing more was going to happen between us.

“Kace, I’d like you to meet my brother Shawn, who co-owns Fixer Brothers with me, and our younger brother Tristan, who recently moved back to Jade River. We’re all contractors here. Boys, meet Kace Tomlin, who needs absolutely no introduction.”

I shook their hands. Shawn and Tristan really did look like slightly younger versions of Nathan, and all of them had easy smiles and great handshakes. Nathan’s eyes were a little lighter, though. Less brown and more like a bottle of honey when it’s in bright sun, which I really fucking liked.

Especially when he was looking into my eyes and telling me to come for him.

Down, boy.

“Let’s head back to the meeting room and we can talk preliminaries,” Nathan said, leading us down the hallway.

“You’re the boss,” I said, chucking my finished popsicle stick into a trash can.

I glanced at Nathan’s perky ass as he pushed open the door to the meeting room. Nathan was the hottest by a long shot, if you asked me, but he had an unfair advantage, considering that I thought with my dick, and my dick wanted older guys.

“I’ve already briefed the boys on the essentials,” Nathan said, sitting down at the head of the table like a boss. The meeting room was just as nice as the front of the office, with plenty of windows looking out to forest views. “You want your guest house to be just as nice as your own house, and it’s sustained quite a bit of fire damage. We can get someone out as soon as tomorrow to take measurements, work up the drafts in CAD, and get some initial concept work out to you by the end of this week.”

“Killer,” I said, sitting down in a swivel chair next to Vivienne.

“Were there any questions you had for us today?” Shawn asked. “I know you’ve said that budget isn’t a factor, which makes things a lot easier.”