Before I knew it, I was answering work emails in the middle of a raging party. I’d co-owned Fixer Brothers Construction with my brother, Shawn, for years now, but I still hadn’t gotten used to how much daily paperwork it took. I woke up and answered emails in the middle of my sleep more often than I would have liked to admit.

I sat near the fancy fire pit for at least half an hour, getting lost in a chain of emails about certificates of insurance. My whiskey sour was gone, as were all the people that had been around me before.

I got up and headed back over toward the pool, but Kace was nowhere to be found. All over, the twenty-somethings were holding up their phones, recording themselves, even as an actual TV crew recorded them, too. I felt a pang in my heart, hoping that Maddy would care about more than just her social media accounts when she was 22.

I couldn’t picture my daughter at a party like this at all. She had just been a baby, for God’s sake.

What in the hell am I doing here?

I felt high and dry, like there had been a crackle of excitement earlier in the night that had left me as soon as Kace was gone. Now, I was just standing here, watching a guy do a handstand on one hand, chug a beer upside-down with the other hand, then flip into the pool. He’d been wearing a Rolex watch that probably cost half the price of a modest car.

I needed to get out of here. But first, I wanted to quickly check something by the guest house. I made my way past the big, shiny grills, the sauna, and past a cluster of pine trees, heading onto the long walkway toward the guest house. Charlie had been asking if the path near Kace’s guest house was on an incline, and I had nothing better to do at this party, anyway.

It was the right idea.

Relief settled in my bones the moment the sounds of the party drifted away. The smell of fresh mulch and pine filled the air, one of my favorite combinations. I headed down the path, little glowing lights dotting the pathway along the way. The path was even nicer at night, the canopy of trees making for the perfect moonlight-dappled stroll.

It was serene, even. Peaceful.

I passed the tennis court and rounded up toward the empty guest house. The porch light was on, but the rest of the area was dim, lit only by more glowy landscaping lights around the house.

I went around the back to check on the stone path and glanced in one of the bedroom windows. I was surprised to see the window was open. A small light was on in the bedroom.

And I saw something I knew I wasn’t supposed to.

It was Kace.

Sitting right there on the bed, naked, his cock in his fist.

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I was stunned and frozen for a moment, my eyes glued to his cock as he stroked it intently. It was very hard and very thick. He was in his own private jerk session, and here I was watching through the open window like a creep. Just like I’d watched the lookalike porn star on my laptop.

I moved my foot and a twig snapped under my shoe, and Kace looked up through the window.

His eyes landed right on me.

“Fuck,” I hissed under my breath, heat flaring through my body. “Fuck. I—I’m so sorry,” I called out through the open window, bringing my hand to my eyes to shield them as I turned away.

“Oh, thank God, it’s just you,” I heard him call through the open window, as if he was relieved.

Confusion joined the mix of the panicked emotions surging through my body. I dropped my hand down from my eyes, still facing away from the window. “What?”

“Thought you might be one of the cameramen,” Kace said, then let out a low chuckle. “Or worse, one of my exes.”

“I just wanted to check something with the stone pathing,” I clarified. “I didn’t think anyone would be over here—”

Kace let out a low chuckle. “I definitely didn’t think anyone would be over here either, clearly. Are you okay, Nathan? I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

“Uncomfortable? No, not at all. Not even a little bit.”

“Don’t want to freak you out.”

I puffed out a nervous laugh. “Give me a break. Seeing a nice cock isn’t anywhere close to enough to freak me out,” I said.

I slowly turned back around to look in the window and was shocked to find that he was right where he had been, sitting there on the bed, his hand still on his hard cock.

I whipped back around. “Jesus. Sorry. I—I thought you would have put your shorts back on by now.”

“You thought I would finish while talking to you?” Kace asked.