“Do it. They’ll be grateful.”

I was nervous for next week. We were meeting with the TV crew who would be ultimately filming the new Fixer Brothers TV show. Kace had spoken with the producers of his own show, and they’d agreed to test a pilot episode of a Fixer Brothers Construction show, all about the renovation work we did.

When Kace had mentioned us getting our own show a couple months back, it had seemed like a pipe dream. But now it was a real possibility, and some part of me reallywantedit, now.

I knew it would be great. I already knew Charlie had enough screen charisma to make a Fixer Brothers show something great. But it was still nerve-wracking to want something so much.

“Guess what?” Kace said, and I felt him nuzzling against my neck.

I just hummed in response.

“I love you,” he said, kissing a slow kiss against the back of my neck.

“I love you so much,” I replied, spinning around in his arms and kissing his lips.

Kace and I hadn’t been able to wait for long before saying those words to each other. He had blurted it out one night a handful of weeks ago, after he’d come back from one of his football training camps.

It was the easiest love I’d ever felt. The most unexpected, and definitely far from boring—buteasy, all-consuming, unashamed love.

And getting to say those words to him meant a lot to me, even still. Last week, Kace’s mom had reached out to him in an email, trying to explain that the cruel interview she did was “a mistake” and that the interviewer had twisted her words. Kace had broken down, and I’d been able to be there for him, comforting him as much as I could.

His mom’s apology wasn’t enough. Not yet. But there was a tiny glimmer of hope in Kace’s heart, now, that maybe one day, far in the future, he could rebuild even a small bridge of contact with his mother. For the first time, she was apologetic. For the first time, she seemed to actually feel remorse for the ways she’d treated him. Their relationship would never be the same, but Kace was at least on a long road toward some sort of emotional closure.

Being there for him had deepened our bond even further than I could have imagined, too.

I sighed against him, now, holding him close as I leaned on my kitchen counter. “What am I going to do when you’re out of town every other week for football season soon?”

“You’re going to be just fine,” he said. “You’re going to video chat me and show me your dick alotthough, I hope.”

“As much as you want. As long as you show me yours.”

He laughed. “Are you kidding? You’re going to getsickof my hot pics. There will be way too many.”

I pulled in a long breath. “I know I’ll miss you for the times when you’re on the road, but I’ve got to be honest, I’m really not that scared.”

He leaned his forehead against mine. “And you shouldn’t be.”

“I actually think it’s insanely fucking cool that I get to date someone so dedicated to his skill. The Ferals are goingfarthis season, and I know it.”

“Damn right we are.”

I laced my fingers into his hair, kissing him. “And I want to fuck orbefucked every single day leading up to you leaving.”

He hummed. “Big talk, my love.”

“Big talk that I’ll keep up. I want to make you come so much you’re spent by the time you leave for your first away game.”

He leaned back, my favorite mischievous look settling over his baby-blue eyes. “Challenge accepted.”

He was dragging me to my bedroom soon—even though it didn’t really feel likemybedroom anymore, so much as our bedroom. His house felt the same way, too. Kace and I hadn’t talked about moving in together yet, but in some weird way, it already felt like each of our houses were homes for the both of us, now. My house was a small, cozy, mountain getaway, for when we wanted to feel a super homey feel. Kace’s house was a stunning party pad, for when we wanted to feel lavish and pampered and luxurious.

Both of them were home. Both of them felt right.

And that was just one of a million examples of how my life with Kace was far from simple—far from traditional—but it was exactly what was right for the two of us.

I’d hadsimpleandpredictablefor way too much of my life. So much of the same, day in and day out. Now, I loved that every single day was an adventure, where I didn’t quite know where our world would lead us.

I trusted Kace with my life. With my whole heart. And I knew he felt the exact same way about me.