“You are going to be awildstory for me to tell, one day,” I said, licking my lips before ducking in to catch him in another kiss.

But Kace’s hand came down against my shoulder. He pushed me back with some firmness, holding my gaze.

“Is that right?” he asked.

“You’ll be the wildest story I have,” I said with a nod. “And I’ll just be my same old boring self. Now can I kiss you again? Don’t make me say it.”

His expression was serious again, though.

Surprisingly serious. Unsettlingly so.

Like he’d disconnected entirely, thanks to something I’d said, and almost seemed hurt.

Just then his phone buzzed on top of the coffee table. Normally he would have ignored it, but I watched as he walked over, checking the screen and then picking it up.

“Heyo, Coach,” he answered, cradling the phone by his ear. “Yep. All good for tomorrow morning. What? Yeah, I have a few in my freezer. Want me to bring them for tomorrow? Perf. Yep. Can do. No problem, Coach. See you tomorrow.”

I sat on the couch, another drip of the strawberry lemonade running down the back of his pristine white couch. Kace paced across the room on the other side of the coffee table, swinging his arms to stretch them out.

“You going to come back over here?”

“Actually, I should probably call the driver to get you back to your car,” he told me, barely making eye contact. He went over to the kitchen, grabbing some paper towels and coming back to do a quick cleanup on the couch.

I felt like I’d just been ghosted for a prom date. I watched him clean, his muscles still on glorious display, but certainly not forme, anymore.

I cleared my throat. “Kace, if this is your version of edging, I think you’re going to make my cock explode,” I said, reaching down to palm my flagging erection.

“Not edging,” he said politely. “Um, I mean, you can jerk off if you want. But I do need to get up early for training tomorrow. Today was good. Great, really.”

“No.Notyou,” I said firmly.

He looked back at me, confused. “Sorry?”

“You of all people cannot bullshit me like this,” I said. “One minute you’re wrapping me so tight around your finger that I think I’m going to snap, and the next you’re off like a faucet?”

He watched me for a moment, frozen in place, sucking on his lower lip for a moment. All traces of his usual playfulness were gone, and I knew without a doubt that I really had fucked something up.

And even though I’d been firm with him, in reality, it felt like my heart was cracking.

Because Kace didn’t seem particularly rude to me, right now.

He seemed hurt.

And that was the last fucking thing on Earth that I would ever want to make him feel.

“I’m, uh…” he started, and then for the first time ever, I watched as Kace didn’t seem to know what to say next.

“You know, when I said you’d be a wild story one day, I meant that in agoodway, right?” I clarified. “The best way. Being with you is the hottest fucking thing—”

“Hey. Nathan. It’s cool,” Kace said, his expression softening a little. He put a hand on my shoulder, patting me gently. “You didn’t say anything wrong. I’d only really wanted to talk, anyway. Get to know you better.”

I hated it. I didn’t want the polite, friendly pat on the back. I didn’t want to be told everything was fine.

I wanted to be right there with him. For fuck’s sake, at this point, I felt like my bodyneededhim.

I let out a breath. “Fuck, your generation is confusing sometimes.”

He puffed out a feeble laugh. “We think with our dicks just as much as your generation did. As much as your generation still does, apparently. Right?”