The car ride back to Kace’s went by in a flash. By the time we pulled up at his house again, Maddy had stopped sobbing, but she still seemed to be in a state of numbness, certainly not ready to talk to me about what had happened.

“I hope it’s okay that we came back here, Mads,” I said softly after the driver parked the car. “We have a lot to get started on today.”

In the shade of Kace’s mansion, Maddy seemed younger than ever. She looked fragile still, but her quiet confidence was slowly returning. She wiped at her cheeks.

“No. It’s better to be here,” she said, nodding once as she glanced out the window. “I kind of don’t feel like being alone at home right now. You know?”

“Kace already said you can do whatever you want here. TV, video games, hot tub, pool, any food you want. Pretend you’re at a hotel. I’ll save all of the grim, serious talks for tomorrow.”

She pulled in a slow breath. “Do… do you think he has any coffee?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Not only that, but I’m sure Kace’s personal chef could make youanythingyou could get at Starbucks, ten times better. Okay?”

The ghost of a smile played at her face. “Even that shaken oatmilk thing?”

I squeezed her shoulder. “I’m willing to bet Benny has oatmilk, almond milk, soymilk, hell, probably milk made from freaking crushed stardust or something.”

She laughed for one moment, and even though her smile was gone as quickly as it came, I knew she was on the slow road to feeling better.Iwas going to be rattled about this for years, probably, but my girl was going to be okay.

The smell of something sugary and delicious hit us the moment we walked inside. We walked into the kitchen, where Kace was helping Benny behind the long countertop. After the chaos of the morning, walking into this kitchen was like stepping right into heaven.

For the first time all morning, I finally took a deep breath andrelaxed.

“Maddy,” Kace said, glancing up and pointing at her as we walked in. “I heard you had a shitty morning, and I’ve got something over here with your name written all over it.”

“Oh my God,” Maddy said as she walked over. “Chocolate-covered pineapple?”

“Only the best,” Kace said with a wink. “I’ve been helping Benny dip them.”

Maddy glanced over at me, raising an eyebrow. “Did you tell them…?”

I nodded once. “I’m not one to give up a chef’s secrets, but Kacemayhaveallegedlytexted to ask me what your favorite sweets are while I was in the car,” I told her.

Kace hummed. “Can’t fuckin’ wait to try these suckers,” he said. “I’ve had chocolate-covered strawberries, but pineapple is new to me.”

“It sounds so weird, but Iswearit’s so fucking good—sorry, Dad,” Maddy said.

I waved her off. “I’m never going to get mad at you for saying the F-word, Mads. I’m only going to get mad if you ever hang out with those guys again.”

I could see the thankfulness in her eyes. She knew that I was sparing her a long lecture about responsibility, and I knew that she already felt bad enough.

“Agreed,” she said, and I went over to give her another quick side-hug.

“Holy mother of fuck, this is good,” Kace said as he chewed on his first piece of chocolate-covered pineapple, his eyes going wide. “What thehell?Where has this been all my life?”

“Told you,” Maddy said, her face brightening a little as she reached for one, too. “Oh. Um, Kace, do you happen to have, like, any coffee? And maybe some oatmilk?”

“Girl, I’ve got you,” Kace said. “Benny’s got it all. Nathan, you can go meet up with your guys at the guest house. Everything’s chill here.”

My chest tightened. Kace was going above and beyond, acting like the guardian angel that we hadn’t asked for. “Are you sure?”

“Go, Dad,” Maddy said, giving me a sympathetic look. “I already derailed your morning enough.”

“Nonsense,” I told her. “Have fun. I’m going to go make sure your uncle isn’t tearing the whole guest house down already.”

Kace and Maddy were already getting into a conversation about some video game as I walked off. Once I was back outside, I turned around to glance through the glass.

They were laughing about something now, and for the first time all morning it looked like Maddy was truly starting to feel okay.