“A little loose,” he said. “God, how muscular are your waist and ass that you need these?”

“I’m all muscle with a smile on top, baby,” I said, smacking my own ass, which was still bare naked.

Nathan rolled his eyes, but he was laughing now, too. “Give me a belt and some sneakers and we’ll be fine.”

I found him a belt and we regrouped outside the closet after I’d tugged on a pair of athletic shorts. My Nike sneakers were a size too big on him, but we were going to have to make do until Nathan could get out into the living room where he’d left his shoes and make the swap.

“How the hell do we get out of this room without it seeming like I slept in your bed last night?” Nathan asked.

I reached a hand up and smoothed out his hair. “Walk out onto the balcony,” I said. “Go down the outdoor stairs into the yard and come in the back doors. It’ll look like you were just already here, out surveying the property.”

“Good. Great. Okay. We can do this.”

I gave him a long look. “I mean, if it were up to me, I’d just say we both walk out there naked and let ‘em all see it. But I want you to be comfortable.”

He took a deep breath. “I’m so scatterbrained I can’t even think straight right now,” he said. “Let’s just break ground on the guest house today.”

“Just like I broke ground in your mouth last night? Got it.”

“Hate you,” he murmured, but his eyes drifted to my lips, and I loved it.

“No you don’t.”

He clicked his tongue. “Now I have to hide my erectionon top ofalso hiding the fact that I’ve been here all night.”

I grinned wickedly. “Glad I’m not the only one who’s hard from that. Now get out of here.”

Vivienne was waiting in the kitchen when I got there, tapping away at her phone. Benny was already whizzing up a protein smoothie for me at the other side of the room, and the sun was shining through the glass windows from the backyard, bathing the kitchen in pure morning light.

I really did love my house in moments like these.

“Morning, superstars,” I said, tapping my knuckles twice on the countertop.

“There you are. Surprised you’re alone,” Vivienne said, flashing me a smile. “Been a while since you tookthatlong to wake up. I thought you were going to come out of there with that French soccer player again.”

I shook my head. “I made a corny joke about French toast once with him and I haven’t seen him since. Viv, you said the construction guys are here, right?”

“Right,” she said, walking over to grab my smoothie from Benny and bring it over to me. “They’re hauling out some tools in the front driveway. I set up a unique gate code for them so they can get in when they need to.”

She pressed the cold glass of mango tamarind smoothie into my hand.

“You know, I love most things about having a personal assistant, don’t get me wrong,” I told her. “But sometimes, I feel like you’re trying to act as an extralimbfor me. You don’t have to grab my smoothie for me from across the room. I promise I can get it.”

Vivienne snorted. “You pay me the big bucks, so I’ll do anything.” She glanced out one of the back windows and then did a double take as she saw Nathan, who was crouching down to look at a stone paver out back, trying to look busy. “Oh. He’s here, too? I could have sworn I only saw the other guys—”

“He got here early,” I said. “He’s an overachiever.”

Vivienne’s face twisted into mild confusion. “Could have sworn I didn’t see any other cars outside when I got here.”

I bit the inside of my cheek. This was what I got for hiring one of the most detail-oriented people in the entire state. Viv was the best personal assistant I could ask for, but I sure as hell couldn’t hide anything from her.

Not that Iwouldhide anything from her, if it were up to me. I didn’t give a damn who knew about my hookups, and I sure as hell wasn’t ashamed of my body. But I was doing this for Nathan.

I tried to think fast. And for Nathan, I’d sacrifice even some of the best smoothie.

“Shit,” I said as I purposely knocked over my glass on the counter, picking it back up quickly. Orange smoothie pooled on the counter, dripping off onto the ground.

Vivienne looked over immediately, grabbing some paper towels and rushing over. “I got this. Don’t worry about it, Kace. Go ahead and show the construction guys to the guest house again.”