I opened the door and headed into the closet, turning on the lights.

“Jesus Christ,” Nathan said. “This isn’t a closet, this is like a small clothing store that just happens to be attached to your room. Your closet haswindowsin it.”

“It’s pretty dope, huh?” I said, seeing the closet through new eyes now that Nathan was here. When I’d first moved in, I couldn’t believe that I had a room-sized closet, complete with rows and rows of built-in shelves, drawers, and racks. There were floor-to-ceiling glass windows between some of the built-ins, just like every room of my house had windows. I’d been here long enough that the closet had started to feel normal to me, but Nathan’s reaction had shocked me back into reality. It reallywaslavish.

It was nice having him in the private areas of my home. Places where even my hookups usually never came. It didn’t feel like having a stranger with me—for some reason, I already felt comfortable taking Nathan anywhere, like I’d be down to have him anywhere I’d go.

I headed over to the section where I kept T-shirts. “Okay, here. A simple, plain white T-shirt. You’d wear one of those, right?”

“Yes,” he said, taking it from me.

“I can’t say I own any flannel, but what about… this?” I rummaged through the rack until I found a sportcoat. “I had to wear this to a meeting about a year ago.”

Nathan scratched the back of his neck, his expression twisting into a tortured look. “I definitely don’t wear sportcoats to construction sites. The white shirt will be enough. I just need pants. And… um, boxers, I guess.”

“What about a kiss?”

Nathan looked dumbfounded. “Huh?”

I took a step closer to him, skating my fingertips along the soft, downy hair on his chest. “Do you need a kiss?” I asked, dropping my voice a little lower and bringing my face close to his.

I leaned in, gently pressing my lips to his. He was still frozen in place, stiff, like he couldn’t fold this moment into his concept of reality. I kissed from his lips over to his jaw, moving along the soft stubble there.

“You are going to get me in trouble,” he said, his voice a low growl. But his hand reached around to squeeze my ass.

“I think you might like a little trouble more than you think.”

He pushed me back against a set of shelves, pinning me there. He nuzzled against my neck, giving me a gentle bite there. “I know you have no off button, but right now Ireallyneed you to press a pause button, okay?” he murmured, kissing just below my ear. “I don’t need my brother and my whole crew seeing me do a walk of shame out of your room.”

I grumbled as he moved away, immediately missing every last fucking thing about having the bulk of his body pressed up against mine.

“Fine,” I said. “Although, if it were me, I’d just walk out of here with nothing but pride. I’d fucking walk out, dick and balls swinging, bragging about having spent the night with me.”

“You’re so humble, Kace.”

“No, I’m not, and I never will be.” I winked at him.

“Pants.Pants.I need you to find me a pair of pants to wear,” he protested, his eyes wide.

“Sure. Right. Easy,” I said. “This section over here is all pants.”

I led him around one corner to the area where I had endless shelves of pants.

“These are all sweatpants or shorts,” Nathan said, panic slowly settling on his face again. “Don’t you ever wear jeans?”

I bit my lower lip. “Sometimes,” I said. “But not that often. Wait, here.”

I pulled open a drawer and took out a pair of jeans, handing them over to him. “Boxers?” he asked meekly.

“Right. Here,” I said, walking over to another drawer and sliding it open.

Nathan looked at the offerings, his eyes wide. “Do youonlywear neon underwear? What the fuck?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “They’re not all neon. Neon just looks good in photos, and I love taking pictures in my underwear. Here. These are black and white.”

I held up a pair that was printed with a loud checkerboard pattern.

Nathan shook his head, but I saw a small smile appearing on his face as he took them from me. He tugged on my boxer briefs, which he looked a little silly in but also very hot, and then he pulled the jeans.