We were in a bedroom, to be sure—there was a giant bed along one end of the room. But I swore it looked more like a gorgeous glass atrium than a bedroom. The balcony wrapped around the room just past all of the long windows, and the views of the city and forests much lower were as stunning as they had been up on the roof.

“Jesus,” I said. “Sometimes I forget I’m with a celebrity when I’m with you, and then I have moments like this one.”

Kace walked up next to me, his hands gliding down my back until he squeezed my ass. “It’s just me,” he murmured close to my ear. “You know me.”

I turned to look at him. That young, hotshot face I’d seen so many times online or on TV, long before I’d met him. The light freckles, the dimples, the blue eyes and dark blond hair.

“Do I, though?” I said softly, my eyes dancing over him. “I know you play football. I know you eat a lot of protein. I know you’re the biggest tease in all of Colorado. And I know you, for some fucked up reason, make my dick harder than hell. But I don’treallyknow you, Kace.”

A flash of something quickly came over his expression. If I hadn’t been watching him so closely, I may have missed it, but it had been unmistakable.

It was almost like he had been upset, just for a quick moment. At what, I couldn’t tell. Maybe there had even been a hint of remorse or disappointment in his expression, too. He covered it up quickly again, his expression becoming the same relaxed, playboy-casual, bedroom-eyes one that he frequently had.

The classic “nothing matters, so I’m going to have a good time”look. That was Kace’s comfort zone, I’d quickly learned.

“On your knees,” he said, nodding his head toward the ground.

He sure as hell knew how to change a subject fast. He and I both knew damn well I’d do what he told me, though, and a moment later, adrenaline coursed through me as I slowly dropped onto one knee and then the other in front of him. I didn’t have time to ponder why he’d disliked what I’d said. Either he had been upset, or maybe he hadn’t liked that I had called him out. Kace definitely liked crafting his persona, both in real life and online.

Maybe Kace Tomlin still had some secrets, after all.

Or maybe he wanted to see if I’d suck him off, too, or if all I wanted to do was receive.

His cock was right in front of my face now, long and thick and veined in a way that I liked, even though I couldn’t explain it. He stroked it lazily again as he looked down at me, his head cocked to one side.

“You want this?”

I licked my lips. My heart was pounding in my chest again, and I’d all but forgotten the brief moment of vulnerability that I’d caught on Kace’s face just a minute ago.

As far as my dick was concerned now, Kace was its fucking king again.

I swallowed hard. “I think so.”

“Youthinkyou want my cock, or you want it? Tell me.”

“I want your cock, Kace.” I didn’t know what I was admitting by saying it. After all, there were a few different ways he could mean that, and I certainly wasn’t sure if I wanted his cock incertainparts of me yet. Or maybe I wanted it all, and I was just way too scared to admit it.

“You look good on your knees,” he said, his tone syrupy-sweet.

In another moment he was leaning forward a little, and he dragged the precum-slicked tip of his dick across my lips. I pulled in a slow breath as he moved and I was frozen in place, letting another man slick my lips with his cock as it turned me thefuckon.

I had no clue how the hell I’d gotten here, but I was pretty sure there was no turning back now.

Kace didn’t give me another verbal command, but somehow it was like my body went on autopilot, following its own new rules. I let my tongue slide out, tasting the mildly salty precum and immediately wanting more. I licked the head of his cock and my own cock throbbed lower down.

And when I finally leaned forward, taking his shaft between my lips and gently sucking, I realized very quickly how much it could turn me on. I didn’t even have a hand on myself but I was even more turned on than when Kace had put his tongue on me earlier.

I was addicted. Already.

Kace let out a measured sigh as I took more of him in my mouth, gagging just a little as I tried to take all of him at once.

“Oh, you are a quick learner, aren’t you?” he mumbled softly, reaching one hand down to cup the side of my head. My knees pushed down into the plush white rug on the ground as I moved forward again, eager.

I sure as hell had never given any thought to what another guy’s groin might smell like, but now that I was buried close to Kace’s, I realized the clean, masculine scent of him down here was just another thing I was going to get addicted to. My mouth was full but I was so determined to take more. IknewI could take more, and I wanted to impress him, in some weird way.

Sure, I’m a straight guy, but I’m going to try to give you the best blow job you’ve ever had.

Not that that was somethinganystraight guy would actually think.