“You’re going to.”
I raised up on my knees, reaching up to pull him down toward me. I let my lips hover near his for a moment, dragging them across each other, teasing a kiss.
“I—I want…” he started to say, and I let my tongue slide out, just a little, over his lower lip.
“Say it.”
“I want your mouth,” he finally told me. “I want your mouth on me. Anywhere. Everywhere. God, I want it so fucking badly—”
I cut him off with a deep kiss, and felt his hands hit the sides of my body as he finally let himself touch me. He let himself be greedy, squeezing at my sides then moving up to the back of my neck, gripping it as he kissed me hard.
I let my palm reach higher, gliding along the velvety skin of his shaft. He groaned against my lips as we kissed, and I bit down on his lower lip now, giving it a tug as I wrapped my fingers around his cock.
“You want me to suck your cock, Daddy?” I asked him, and I could feel his cock throb as I said it.
“Please,” came his desperate whisper. “Oh,fuck, I’m—”
I took my hand off of his cock in an instant. I knew, without a doubt, what had almost happened.
“You almost just came, didn’t you?” I asked, my eyes widening. “Goddamn, you really are desperate for me, aren’t you?” I couldn’t even begin to express the kind of satisfaction that gave me.
“God,” he said, giving me a death stare as he reached out, gripping one of the arms of the chair like he needed it for support. “I’m not sure what was worse. Knowing that I was about to blow my load in your hand and miss my chance for your mouth, or feeling you take your handaway.”
Warmth spread through my body. “Some things you say just make me feel like the sun just came out on a cloudy day.”
“That’s very… poetic,” Nathan said, still white-knuckle gripping the side of the chair like he was in agony without my touch.
As he calmed down, I idly stroked my cock a few times, just watching him as he brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “You good?”
“No,” he said.
I had a moment of hesitation, and it scared me a little how disappointed I was in that split second. Thinking that maybe, none of this was really going to happen.
I nodded once.
“I’m not ‘good,’ around you, ever,” he said, his voice dropping a little lower as he reached to squeeze his fingers around the base of his cock. “I’m fucking crazy around you. I’m a pathetic, needy, confused, horny mess. And I need to come so badly right now I think I might lose my goddamn mind if I don’t, but I’m half convinced you’re going to torture me for the rest of my life, and I also know I’d let you.”
Fire stirred in my chest again, a molten hot relief followed by determination.
“You would, wouldn’t you?” I asked softly.
I liked him saying those things way more than I should have. A lot of people had told me I was hot, but nobody had said the kinds of things that were coming out of Nathan’s mouth now.
Without even knowing it, he’d just mademefeel more special than I had in a long while. He didn’t just like me for my sculpted body, or find me to be an interesting midlife-crisis experiment. I was driving him crazy, and he loved every minute of it.
“Hands off,” I told him, glancing down at the grip he still had on his dick, though my voice was more affectionate than commanding. “Your cock is mine tonight.”
Kace Tomlin was leaning forward, licking his lips just inches from the tip of my dripping cock, and all I could think was the same line, on repeat.
Don’t start shaking again. Just. Don’t. Start. Shaking.
I was tired of the nervous trembling that my hands had kept circling back to tonight, every time Kace looked at me with that air of ownership, like he could do anything to me and he knew I’d like it.
It felt like I’d dug my own grave of shame when I’d admitted how desperate I was for him. But every time I opened up a little more and took a risk with Kace, it only seemed to delight him further. Like I was an endless game he was playing, and I liked it.