“You’re not a dumb jock,” Charlie said, still embarrassed and apologizing.

Jax just shrugged a shoulder, not seeming to mind at all. “Actually, I kind of might be a dumb jock, but I can’t pretend I really care.”

Charlie was blushing as he finished wiping away the grout haze and walked across the room. “You don’t seem dumb to me at all,” Charlie said, a rare moment of sweetness rather than his usual spice and sass. He cleared his throat, looking over at the tile. “Well, we finished the job in record time. What do you think?”

“It looks fucking killer,” Jax said, gazing at the tile. “Knew you guys would do good work.”

After Charlie and I cleaned up and put all of our tools and supplies back into our van, we headed back in to have a beer at the bar. It was time for at least a little bit of kicking back and relaxing.

It had been a long day, and an even longer week. We’d been crazy busy, trying to cram and finish a bunch of old, straggling projects and paperwork before getting started on Kace’s guest house tomorrow morning.

And it had been a full week since I’d taken the plunge, sending Kace a fully naked photo of myself.

I still got a little jolt of adrenaline every time it crossed my mind this week. I’d never done anything like that, and certainly not to another guy. Certainly not a much younger, much more famous guy.

But ever since I’d sent the photo, it had been as if Kace was trying to one-up me. I hadn’t seen him all week, but each day—sometimes in the middle of the day, sometimes late at night—I had gotten some sort of photo or video from him. First, just photos of him post-workout, looking hotter than hell and sweaty in a good way.

But he’d also sent me a few naked photos—and one video that made me drop everything and jerk off in the shower one morning. I was only ten minutes late to work, but that was enough for me. Kace was getting in my head, and I had no clue how to handle it.

I was looking at my phone and mindlessly sipping my beer when Charlie gave me a nudge.

“You okay?” he asked from the barstool beside mine. “Been lost in your phone for ten minutes, and you’re not the type to do that.”

I let out a sigh, locking my phone and shoving it in my pocket. “I hate it. I’ve been way too attached to this thing lately.”

“Anything good in there?”

I gave Charlie a look, and before long he was lifting his eyebrows at me.

“I’ve been sort of, I don’t know,flirttexting, with someone,” I said. “Well, not flirting, really. Maybe it’s called… sexting?”

Charlie’s face broke into a wide smile, and Jax happened to walk up behind the bar right then, too, coming back from his break.

“I’ve never seen Charlie look that excited,” Jax said, a grin on his face, too. “Juicy gossip?”

Charlie looked from me to Jax and back again. “Can I tell him?”

“Well, you kind of have to, now,” I said with a big shrug. “Go for it.”

Charlie looked giddy. “Nathan’s been sexting. I’ve been working with him for years and I’ve never heard any mention of something like this.”

“Hey, hey,” I said, holding up a hand. “Just because I don’t talk toyouabout my sex life doesn’t mean it’s been nonexistent.”

My head was swimming, though. In recent years, it really had been close to nonexistent, as I focused on work and always being around for Maddy whenever she or my ex-wife Ranna needed me.

“So who’s the lucky lady?” Charlie asked. “Also, Jax, I’m going to need another beer.”

I paused for a moment as Jax pulled Charlie another beer from the tap.

The “lucky lady” isn’t a lady at all. And he’s a super famous football player. Oh, and we’re starting work on his house tomorrow.

I had all but forgotten that to the rest of the world, I was “straight.” It was strange how quickly the idea of Kace had solidified in my mind. So much so that I didn’t even give a shit if I was straight or bisexual orwhateveranymore. All I knew was that I was turned on by him. And maybe I’d always had the ability to be turned on by other dudes, even if I’d never gotten involved with any before.

I cleared my throat. “Well, uh, I’m trying something new.”

“Dating apps?” Charlie said, cocking his head to one side.

“No. Something a lot newer than that, for me.”