>>Kace: God, you are so hot.

>>Kace: Why aren’t you in this fucking bed with me right now?

>>Kace: Don’t answer that last question. Shit, you’re probably asleep, aren’t you? You’re totally asleep, because it’s past midnight. I’d call you old, but that would just turn me on even more. I’m going to go make myself come, now. Sweet dreams, silver fox.

I didn’t dwell too long on all of the texts I’d sent him because I was too busy scrolling back up to the photo and jerking off. It was as if I was going for a new record speed, because I managed to accidentally come way too fast, looking from Nathan’s cock to his eyes and then back again, over and over.

I leaned back in bed as I came, letting my eyes flutter shut, imagining that he was in my bed next to me.

My favorite dorky-as-hell, drop-dead handsome straight guy, clearly designed to make me want things I couldn’t have. I had no clue how long Nathan would be down for our little version of “fun,” but I sure as shit didn’t want it to end.



I wrung out the big, wet grout sponge, giving it one last swipe over the final patch of cream-colored tile.

“And there you have it,” I said. “Brand-new grout. Doesn’t this bathroom look about ten years newer, just with that little touch?”

“You, my friend, are the man,” Rush told me, leaning in the doorway to the bathroom. We were in Jade Brewery, fixing up a quick two-day project. It was the last job we had to take care of before starting in on Kace’s house.

“For anyone else, I would have said I was fully booked for the next two months, you know,” I told Rush. “Jade Brewery is a special case.”

“The perks of having your best friend in the construction business,” Rush told me with his usual charming smile. “I have to go talk to Harlan about the last batch of amber ale, because it tasted a little hop-heavy. But this looks great. The final check will be in the mail next week.”

“Or you can just give the check to my brother,” I said, giving Rush a pointed look. “The perks ofbanginga guy in the construction business.”

Rush snorted. “I’m proud of you, Nathan. You’re finally joking about it instead of looking like you want to murder me every time you mention I’m with your brother.”

“Shawn’s never been happier,” I said, shrugging. “And that’s all I care about. Now go talk to Harlan before he goes lumberjack crazy on the whole batch of amber ale.”

“Love you, man,” Rush said. “And I don’t know what ‘lumberjack crazy’ means, but I don’t want to find out.”

“Love you, too.”

Rush gave me a quick fist bump and was on his way.

Charlie was in the corner of the bathroom, hunched over and sponging up the final layer of grout haze from the far side where he’d been working today. We’d worked on this project together, making it go by lightning fast.

“You ready for tomorrow?” I asked Charlie.

“Never been more ready for a project in my life,” Charlie said, glancing up at me. “Do you know how jealous Jim would be, knowing that I will get to be at Kace Tomlin’s house every single day?”

“Hey,” I said, pointing at Charlie. “Don’t say the J-word around me. Your ex was a monster, as far as I’m concerned.”

Charlie waved me off. “I’m so over him. Onto bigger and better things. I’m kind of into jocks now, anyway, after seeing how hot Kace is in person. Maybe someday I’ll try going to the gym and snagging some hot muscle-bro.”

“Good,” I said. “Anyone but the J-word. Asshole.”

“Never again,” Charlie agreed. “Even though jockscanbe dumb as rocks—”

Just then Charlie stopped talking, looking toward the doorway and turning a little red. I turned to see Jax, one of the Jade Brewery bartenders, standing right there and checking out the cleaned-up bathroom tile.

“Shit,” Charlie said. “I didn’t mean that. Sorry, Jax.”

Jax was just about the textbook definition of a college jock. He often wore baseball caps, both backward or forward. He wore athletic shirts, jerseys, or loose tank tops. He was certainly a guy who spent a lot of time in the gym.

“Jax is a J-word we can still say,” I joked. “Jax good. Jim bad. Easy math.”