“Let the man talk,” Kace said, a wide smile on his face again. “I could listen to anyone talk about sex for any amount of time.”

“You gotten any action lately, Nathan?” Charlie asked me, crunching on a nacho nonchalantly.

I felt my heart skip a beat. The image of Kace, legs slightly spread on the bed, fisting his thick cock flashed through my brain again, like it had a thousand times this week.

I cleared my throat. “No. Not really. I mean, no. I haven’t done anything.”

Out of my peripheral vision, I tried to look at Kace, hoping to God he wouldn’t joke about what we’d done. I was relieved when I saw that he was looking down at his phone.

My own phone buzzed a second later, and I pulled it out, grateful for the distraction.

>>Kace: Gonna tell them you tried something new?

Heat surged through my body. Suddenly I felt like my own phone was some forbidden sex object, and one glance from Shawn or Charlie would expose me somehow.

>>Nathan: Shut up.

>>Kace: It was fucking hot. That’s all I’m saying.

>>Nathan: Well, yeah. Duh.

>>Kace: Did you just say ‘duh?’ And wait, you thought it was hot, too?

>>Nathan: I already told you it was hot.

>>Kace: Yeah. I know. I just like making you say it.

>>Nathan: …I can’t roll my eyes any harder right now.

>>Kace: I can’t get my dick any harder right now, dude.

My cheeks flared with heat and I dared to glance quickly to my side, furrowing my brow at Kace. I blinked back down at our texts, getting uncomfortably hard under my pants, now too.

I didn’t even really know why. Maybe just because this was all so strange, and thinking about dicks in general somehow had started making me get hard, out of nowhere?

But I really wasn’t thinking about dicks in general. I was thinking abouthis.

>>Nathan: You are impossible. I have no idea if you’re serious.

>>Kace: Kind of fun not knowing, isn’t it?

My fingers hovered over the screen. I had no shred of a clue how to respond. I was too busy trying to control the pounding of my heart and the sudden rush of blood straight to my cock, and it was as if Kace was just casually breezing through it all, pushing every button I didn’t know I had.

I settled a little when I saw Kace lock his phone and shove it back into his pocket. I still felt like a tornado had just ripped through my brain, but at least I didn’t feel pressure to respond, now.

Kace reached for a huge bite of nachos. “Should I get us another tray of these for the table?” he asked. Because I’m about to demolish this.”

“You can have the rest,” I said. “I’m headed out soon.”

“You are?” Kace said, his head swiveling to look at me. “No. Hell no. Come stay and drink with me. Don’t make me beg.”

“I have to clean up at my house before Maddy comes over tonight. I’m going to attempt to bake pink blondies, which are apparently the new online craze, according to her. I have no fucking clue what they are, but the recipe I found seemed easy enough.”

“Fuck yeah,” Kace said. “I’ve seen so many vids about those things. A lot of my viewers said I should do aCooking with Kacewith those suckers.”

“YourCooking with Kacevideos are so fun,” Charlie said.

I pulled out my wallet and plopped down some cash. “It was good hanging out with you guys. And Kace, thanks for coming around for a kickoff meeting and coming here with us. You’re too kind.”