“Rhys,” she whines. “It feels too good.”
Only then, as she rolls her hips looking for a release, do I let myself get lost in her. I give up control and get carried away in the moment, carried away with Indigo and the way our bodies move together.
All our pain and all our pasts come together and evaporate as our bodies join. My soul soars, and there’s nothing in the world but this moment. Whatever we did in the past, our slates are wiped clean. It’s just me and my woman in this moment, the physical connection joining our souls in a way that can’t be undone.
Her back arches as her pussy clenches. I’ve never seen anything as sexy as Indigo coming underneath me. I explode with her, shooting hot cum straight into her womb. Giving her everything I’ve got and hoping it’s enough. My hips pump, and just as I think we’re done, she wiggles against me again.
Another orgasm claims her, sucking my cum further into her body. I hope it reaches its mark. I hope my shot is straight and true.
I want to make a family with this woman, and I can’t wait to start.
Six months later…
Rhys moves gracefully for a man who lives up a mountain. I guess it’s his stealth as a hunter that also makes him an excellent ballroom dancer.
It was his idea to do a traditional first dance. Frank Sinatra croons out of the speakers as Rhys twirls me around the dance floor.
We practiced the moves in the cabin, me tripping over his feet while he nimbly sprang out of the way.
Our guests watch from the edges of the temporary dance floor that’s been set down at Angie’s bar. It was a small ceremony. The only family either of us have is right here on the mountain.
Over the past six months, I’ve been taken in by Rhys’s former Marine pals and their wives. The guys get together once a month, but the women are more social. We meet up every week, and someone’s always having one couple or another over for dinner. Rhys grumbles that he’s lost his recluse status, but I know he doesn’t really mind. If I’m happy, he’s happy. And these days, I’m happy all the time.
The dance ends, and I twirl into Rhys arms. We’re both out of breath and we gaze at each other, panting slightly.
Rhys has a wide grin on his face, and mine must be just as goofy.
“I love you, wife.”
“I love you too, husband.”
I giggle, still getting used to being someone’s wife.
Other couples join us on the dance floor, and Rhys leans in until his breath tickles my neck.
“You look sexy tonight, Rainbow.”
His hand slides down the back of my satin dress to rest on the curve of my rump. There’s instant heat between my legs as I brush up against him.
“Come on.”
He grabs my hand and leads me off the dance floor.
“Where are we going?”
“To consummate this marriage.”
I giggle as he leads me to a door by the side of the bar that says ’staff only.’ Rhys glances around the room to check that no one’s watching.
“Are we going to consummate this marriage in a broom cupboard?”
Rhys growls as he pushes the door open.