“What did you do?”
“I set the pigs out. Couldn’t resist.”
We’re laughing as we head back to Wild Heart Mountain with Symon following in his pickup.
It’s a few hours later, and Symon has just left my cabin after having a cooked breakfast. It was the least I could do for coming out to help Indigo without hesitation.
I see him off on the porch, and we give each other a bro hug. He’s more like a brother to me, and I promise to have him and Leonie over for dinner soon. I can’t wait for Indigo to meet everyone, and I’m sure she’ll love the other girls.
The pigs are settled in a makeshift pen that I hastily put together with a few spare logs. I’ll build a proper pen for them tomorrow. But today, I want to spend time with my girl.
Indigo is sitting on the couch nursing a cup of coffee when I come in from seeing off Symon. I’m struck by her beauty as the light falls on her hair, showing off the various shades of caramel.
Her eye is completely healed, her cheeks round and rosy as she smiles at me. I’m filled with love for her and a sense of wonder. I thought I was protecting her, but she was protecting me. Protecting me from myself. There will always be a darkness inside me, but she’s awoken a gentleness in me too.
“Come here.” I hold out my hand, and she stands from the couch.
“Where are we going?” I take the almost empty coffee mug out of her hand and place it on the kitchen counter as I lead her to the bedroom.
“It’s time to make you mine properly.”
I didn’t want to take her until I knew it was for keeps. I didn’t want to complicate things or give Indigo anything else to worry about. So I held myself back as much as I could. She was too damn hard to resist. But now there’s no reason to hold back.
Indigo has agreed to stay here, to change her name officially to Indigo so no one can find her. And she’ll take my last name soon. She just doesn’t know it yet.
I won’t ask her yet. One step at time. For now, it’s enough to claim her as my woman, the way I’ve been aching to do ever since I carried her to my cabin.
Before we reach the bedroom, I scoop her into my arms. Indigo gives a shriek as I carry her over the threshold of the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” She giggles as I drop her onto the bed.
“This isourbedroom now. Everything in this cabin is as much yours as mine now. You understand?”
Indigo gets up on her knees and scoots over to the side of the bed. She gives me a wicked look as her hands reach for my belt buckle.
“Does that include your cock?”
I love the sound of the dirty word on her lips and my dick twitches in my pants, practically nodding its head at her.
“Rainbow, my cock is yours to do with what you want.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Her hands make quick work of the belt, and she’s soon got my cock in her hands. I want to push her down on the bed, but it’s important she has control here. I want her to feel safe. I want her to know everything we do here is her decision.
Still, it’s a surprise when she dips her head and presses her lips to my tip.
I hiss in a breath as her warm mouth takes me in. Her hands grip my shaft as her mouth moves clumsily over my cock.
“You ever done this before?”
She slides me out of her mouth. “Am I doing something wrong?”
“No, Rainbow, you’re doing everything right.”