My voice is panicked, and I’m trying to keep it low, but I’m desperate. I’ve never seen him like this, and it’s frightening.
“I don’t need justice, Rhys. Come home with me.”
“They hurt you, Indigo. I love you, and I’ll hurt anyone who harms you. I’ll do anything for you. Don’t you know that?”
He turns back to the rifle and shuffles it into position.
“Live. That’s what you can do for me.” He pauses and I go on, hoping I’ve got his attention. “I’ve finally found a place where I belong, and that’s with you, Rhys. I can’t have you going away to prison. Not when I’ve just found you. Don’t do that to me.”
He pauses and lowers the rifle. This time when he looks at me, it’s with a softer expression.
“You want to stay with me?”
“Yes, of course I do. It’s the only real home I’ve ever had because you’re in it. Come home with me.”
My cheeks are wet with tears, and I’m trying to sob quietly. He rests the rifle on the roof and belly-slides backwards to wipe the tears from my cheeks.
“I thought you wanted to leave, to move on.”
“Are you crazy? I want to be wherever you are. I love you, Rhys.”
“But I am kind of crazy. I’m a broken man. I have PTSD. That’s why my hands shake and why I have nightmares. Are you sure you want that baggage?”
I almost laugh out loud. “Please, I can hardly complain about baggage. For a long time, I thought I was broken, but with you, I feel whole. I finally have somewhere I belong.”
He cups my cheeks in his hands.
“You’ll always have a home with me.”
His lips press to mine, and I kiss him back passionately. There’s a scuffling sound from behind us. Rhys turns quickly and ducks my head down as he whips out a handgun from his waist.
“You two want to wrap it up. I’d like to get out of here before the singing starts.”
Symon’s peering at us from over the ledge. Rhys lowers his gun, a surprised expression on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“Saving your sorry ass.”
Rhys breaks into a grin. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. This place gives me the creeps.”
We slide down the drain pipe the same way we got up. Any sounds we make are hidden by the hymns coming from the congregation.
We’re about to dash for the woods when Rhys squeezes my hand. “Wait for me in the car.”
Before I can protest, he slinks around the corner and out of sight. I give Symon a wild look, but he pushes me forward.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here. Rhys can look after himself.”
We’re almost at the fence when I hear a commotion behind us. Rhys comes crashing through the bush carrying something in his arms.
“Run,” he says, but he’s laughing.
There’re screams from the compound and snorting noises. We push through the fence and race to the pickups. It’s only when I get in that I see what he’s got in his arms.
“Hold this.” He pushes two pink squirming bundles at me. “I always wanted pigs at the cabin.”
I take the piglets he thrusts at me.