Page 27 of Light Me Up

The seams containing my pent-up rage have burst. I glare at him accusingly. “What did you say to her?”

“Nothing, man! I told her to come to me if anything weird happened,” Santi defends.

As much as I’d like to force him to regurgitate every word of their conversation, it’s wasting precious time. “We have to find her. Now.”

“Zo, we’d be—”

“NOW!” I roar. I leap up, scooping my shirt off the floor and tossing it back on.

“I’ll drive, you call Ted and get this information to him. This should be enough to indict.”

Santi is hot on my tail as I rush to the front door. “Zo, we should check with Ted first. What if—”

I stop dead in my tracks and turn around so suddenly, Santi walks into my torso. But I’m too pumped up on adrenaline to feel it. “What ifshe’s being tortured?What ifshe’s dead by the time we get this all figured out? We don’t have—”

“Alright, alright, point taken,” Santi says with his hands raised in defense. I’m sure he’s never seen me this crazed. I’ve neverfeltthis crazed.

I turn towards the front door and yank it open, but I’m abruptly halted by a woman’s fist raised mid-air, prepared to knock.

“Char?” Santi exclaims from right behind me.

“Where is she?” she yells, shoving my chest. The unexpected impact catches me off guard, causing me to stumble back a step. Before she can strike again, Santi swiftly steps in, catching her wrists before they make contact.

“I know you have her! You won’t be able to stop me!” Her voice echoes with desperation as she struggles against Santi’s iron grip, but his hold remains unyielding.

I’m not sure how the fuck she could possibly know Kate’s been taken, but there’s no time to figure it out. “We don’t have her!”

“Don’t lie to—”

“We don’t have time for this shit!” Santi shouts, effortlessly lifting her by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder. Her punches land uselessly on his back as he strides out the front door with me close behind.

Retrieving my keys from my pocket, I unlock the doors as Santi drops Char on the hood of her car before jogging to the passenger side of my vehicle.

“You’re not leaving!” she shouts, leaping off her car and running to stand behind my trunk.

“We’re going to get Kate, you idiot!” I bellow. I have no patience for this right now.

“We know everything!” Char's scream pierces the air. “You’re criminals, and—”

“If you care about Kate, get out of the fucking way! Every second we waste here is a second closer to her death! I won’t hesitate to run you over if I have to.”

Char’s expression wavers. “You’re… you’re going to save her?”

Santi and I nod in unison. She moves out of the way and we jump into the car. As I shift into reverse, she pounds on my window.

“Take me with you,” she demands through the glass.

“Absolutely not,” Santi says firmly.

I crack the window. “This isn’t going to be safe. We’ll be back.”

As I roll the window back up, she shouts, “I will follow you in my car! I’ll report you to the police! I’ll—”

“Oh my fucking god,” Santi sighs exasperatedly as he rips open his door, steps out, and opens the backseat door. “Get the fuck in, then. Hurry!”

The second she’s in the backseat, Santi slams her door shut and jumps back into the front. I peel out of the driveway, my foot pressing hard on the pedal. The engine roars into the wind as the street lights become a blur.

“Yo, slow the fuck down. We need to get there in one piece,unarrested,” Santi mutters from beside me.