Page 14 of Light Me Up

Guess that’s why they say you can run but you can’t hide.

“How was your first day, toots?” Char asks when I drop my keys onto her dining table.

I let out a heavy sigh. While my new coworkers instantly made me feel comfortable—we even sat at lunch together—I can’t shake the ominous feeling of Lorenzo’s…somethingbeing co-owner. “That’s a loaded question.”

“What now?” she asks.

What now, indeed.

I spare no detail as I fill her in on today’s revelations while goosebumps coat my skin.

“How did you not know they shared a last name?”

“I didn’t evenknowhis name! Out of sight, out of mind, I guess? Why would I ever need to? He didn’t work at my branch!”

“I guess. But I mean, if he’s co-owner, I’d expect his name to be plasteredsomewhere.”

“I’m sure it is! Maybe I had seen it before but didn’t remember because it was insignificant. Itwouldbe insignificant if it weren’t for Lo—”

A pang hits my chest, cutting my sentence short. I trusted that sketchy asshole, and I hate that he has any effect on me.

“Hey,” Char says, rushing to my side and rubbing my back.

“I’m fine,” I grit out. I straighten and shrug her hand off. “I just—this was supposed to help me, not make things worse!”

“Maybe it’s not a big deal,” Char suggests. “Maybe in a few weeks, you won’t care about seeing him there.”

“If he’s anything like Rowan, he’ll hardly be there.”

“There you go! So what’s the problem?”

“The problem? You want to know what the problem is, Char?” My resentment is taking over, causing my speech to be ruder than I intended. It’s not fair to her because this isn’t her fault in the slightest. But I’m pissed off and I’m done. “Why are all of them working for this company? Better yet, why does it seem like a damn secret?”

Char shakes her head slowly. “I don’t know, toots.”

“Why does it feel like the world fucking hates me?”

Char stares at me wide-eyed, and I can’t say I blame her. She’s as dumbfounded as I am, only she doesn’t have the anger to accompany it.

“I’m starting to think this runs deeper. Something’s not right,” I add, shaking my head.

“It’s not really uncommon for people who know each other to work together and all that, but the fact that it’s like, not open knowledge? Like why wouldn’t Lorenzo ever tell you his own family runs the company?”


We stand for a moment, searching each other's eyes. “I should have just found another job.”

“I’m sorry I suggested you move,” Char replies apologetically.

“Yeah, well, how could we have known?”

“So, what are you going to do?”

Every analytical particle of my brain wants to learn more. I want the answers. But at what cost? “I’ve always liked my job at Valeri, but I guess I could still quit.”

“Why don’t you wait to see how it plays out? Maybe dig a little tomorrow at work. If things still feel off or weird, then you quit and don’t look back.”

I shake my head. “I’m done searching for answers. Look where that got us!”