Normally, I would have had my driver take me, but I needed to walk off the nerves.

I entered the lobby, seeing the sleek bar on the left, the concierge desk in the rear, and then the rest of the lobby to the right, flowers on the large center table, modern light fixtures hanging from the ceiling.

“How can I be of service to you, sir?”

I turned to my right, seeing Tucker standing there in slacks and a collared shirt, his name tag pinned to his suit jacket.

He smiled and clapped me on the back. “You look like shit, man.”

“You would too if you were about to see the devil.”

He chuckled. “So, Derek is half evil, half good?”

“No…he’s all good.”

“I saw her check in.”


“She’s the same bitch she always was,” he said with a laugh. “Treats the staff like shit, says she deserves an upgrade because of how rich she is, but wouldn’t you just pay for the upgrade if you were so rich?” He cocked an eyebrow. “But she’s as sexy as ever. In the best shape I’ve ever seen her.”

I didn’t care about that. “Take her if you want. But you deserve better.”

“Nah. I don’t double dip.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t sleep with the women my brother sleeps with.”

“You’ve done that many times.”

“Yeah, but with random chicks, not women we know.” He turned to the elevators. “Well, she’s coming. I don’t want her to know I work here, so I’m going to bounce.” He patted me on the back again. “Just focus on Derek.” He moved to the other side of the lobby and spoke to one of his colleagues.

I faced forward and watched them both take the stairs. It was the first time I’d seen Valerie in the flesh since the night I’d fished for my medal in the dark then packed my shit and left. She was in shorts that were so short, her ass probably hung out at the back. She wore strappy sandals and a pink tank top that was tight on her hourglass frame. Her long brown hair was as big as ever, in curls that hung down over her chest. Most of the men in the hotel stared at her.

She was fucking hideous.

Then my eyes shifted to Derek…the light of my life.

He left her side and sprinted to me. “Dad!” He crossed the lobby in his shorts and Giants t-shirt and headed straight toward me.

I kneeled and smiled, my hands outstretched to catch my son.

He jumped into my arms, holding on to my neck.

I chuckled as I caught him, my arms squeezing him tightly, my chin on his shoulder. Once his heartbeat was next to mine, I felt that same sense of joy he always gave me. I was never really whole when he was on the other side of the country. When he was with me, it was a lot more work, took alot of time to take care of him, but once he was gone, I was devastated. I’d rather be hustling all the time to be a father than to live without him. “How’s my little man?”

“Good.” He pulled away and looked at me. “Why can’t I stay with you?”

If I took Derek, I’d have to offer Valerie a room too. And fuck that. “Your mother wants to stay with you. And you’ll see me all day.”

“Okay. What are we going to do first? Can we go to the cabin?”

I couldn’t take Valerie to that holy place. She’d taint it with her evil nature. “No cabin. But I’ve got lots of other fun stuff for us to do.”

“Like what?” He jumped in excitement.

“Like, you’ll see.”

He stuck out his tongue. “Come on, Dad.”

Valerie reached us, her long, tanned legs visible behind Derek. “Hey, Deacon.”

It took me a second to cooperate, to leave the comfort of my son and rise to my full height to look my ex-wife in the eye, to greet her with something other than hostility. She was a tall woman at five foot eight, but I was five inches taller, so I looked slightly down at her. When Cleo didn’t wear heels, she was a little difficult to kiss, but I loved her petite size. I loved everything about her—her soul, especially. I looked into Valerie’s green eyes, her face caked with makeup, her over-plump lips. When I first saw her, I’d thought she was a fine piece of ass. But now I looked at her with revulsion.

Couldn’t believe I fucked her for five years.

I couldn’t bring myself to hug her because that disgusted me, but a handshake would be inappropriate. Eye contact was all I could offer. I cleared my throat. “Hey, Valerie. How was your flight?”

She seemed disappointed that I didn’t greet her with more warmth than that.

But I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to touch her ever again. My hand went to Derek’s shoulder, and I pulled him into my side.