“So, are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I already had a strong suspicion where he was taking me, but I chose to let him surprise me.

“The cabin.” He came back to me, towering over me, his espresso eyes darkening even further when he looked into my face.

That was the answer I was hoping for. “That sounds nice.”

His arm moved around my waist again, holding me close. “Tucker gave me the idea.”


“Asked if he could bring a girl because it would be the perfect place to fuck for the weekend. Well, I’m going to bring my girl and do just that.” He gave me another gentle kiss before he moved to the door.

He kept doing that…making me melt like a piece of chocolate on a s’more. A whole weekend of privacy, of lovemaking in a cabin on the lake, of doing whatever I wanted without having to operate in secrecy… It sounded like the nicest thing ever. At the Trinity Building, I had to be careful, sneak out early in the morning before everyone else came to work. It was exhausting, not sexy and taboo like some people might assume. I loved my job and didn’t want to lose it. It gave me gratification, gave me something to be proud of. The reason I was good at my job was because I genuinely enjoyed taking care of other people. But I was risking it all for Deacon…because he was worth the risk.

I didn’t even need to think about it.

“There’s something I want to say before we go.”

He turned back to me, standing at the door.

“It’s a little awkward, and I don’t want the driver to overhear us.”

He waited, his eyes focused on my face.

“I have to bill you for these hours…because if I don’t and someone checks the log, they’ll get suspicious.” There were lots of times when I hadn’t want to charge him because I’d wanted to be there, but now I was declining other projects to make room for him, so if I didn’t fill up my log sheet with billable hours, my boss would eventually catch on. “I don’t want to—”

“Money well spent.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Just because billionaires were rich didn’t mean they weren’t weird about money. Some of my wealthiest clients were the biggest hagglers, getting upset if breakfast was more than thirty dollars…even if that was nothing to them. Deacon didn’t behave that way at all. It seemed like wealth was a pleasant byproduct of his hard work, not his primary motivation to put in those long hours. He wasn’t motivated by money, but lives.

“And it’s a bargain—because I’d pay a lot more for you.”

There was a woman who worked in the area, managing the vacation homes of clients, basically what I did in Manhattan. So, whenever Deacon was coming to visit, I had her stock the fridge, clean the house, change the sheets, get his fishing gear ready. I’d rolled the dice when I asked her to do this, but I knew Deacon pretty well. He was impossible for people to read, but not for me.

He carried the bags into the house and placed them in his bedroom on the second floor.

I went to the covered porch and looked at the quiet lake, listened to the sound of the trees in the breeze, smelled the fresh air that made the smog more difficult to inhale every time we returned to the city.

It was so peaceful, so quiet, a nice break from my hectic life.

Deacon shut the door behind himself then came up behind me, his arms circling my waist while his chin rested on my head.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against him, my arms moving on top of his. This was the first time I’d really felt happiness, like I was exactly where I was supposed to be, with the man I’d been waiting for.

He squeezed me against him, bending his head down so his lips rested against the back of my head. His arms remained in place for a long time, like he wanted to stay there with me forever. “What do you want to do first?” He whispered the question because it was so quiet by the lake that he didn’t need to raise his voice at all. His dick was hard in his jeans, pressing into my lower back.

My hands squeezed his. “The same thing you want to do.”

His arms tightened around my chest, like tree trunks encasing me. His mouth slid to my neck, and he started to kiss me aggressively, his lips sucking, his tongue dragging, his hands touching my body through my clothes. His lips moved to my ear, and he gave me a hot breath, silently telling me how much he wanted me, how much he wanted to rip off these clothes and take me for the rest of the afternoon.