“It was a bit sudden.”

“So, how do you like having your mom around?”

I kept my responses short. “It’s nice to spend time with her, but I’m ready for her to get her own place.”

She chuckled. “I bet.”

I was quiet, unsure how else to make small talk. I fucking hated small talk. Why didn’t people just say what they meant? Why didn’t they get to the point? Why did they put on this act to please the other person? Stupid. “I’ve been missing Derek. I was hoping there was a good time for him to visit again.”

“Well…he was just there.”

Why did this bitch get all the power? “I wanted to take him to the planetarium along with a few other things before he starts school.”

She was quiet.

Why did I have to kiss her ass every time I wanted something? “Maybe he can stay for a week or two. Give you time to yourself.”

“Two weeks is a long time…”

“It’s a long flight.”

“Would Cleo come get him?”

“Yes.” I’d do it myself, but I didn’t want to see her in the flesh. “And my mom would love to spend some time with him.”

After a long sigh, she caved. “I guess ten days is okay…”

I closed my eyes and mimicked Derek’s movements, pulling my elbow to my chest in excitement and fist-pumping. “Great. I’ll make the arrangements. Thank you, Valerie.” I couldn’t believe I had to thank her. I was bending over backward trying to see my own goddamn son.

“You’re welcome, Deacon.”

Bitch. “I’ll talk to you later.”


I hung up and slammed the phone down. I leaned back in my leather chair and dragged my hands down my face, forcing the rage to boil out of my blood. I rested my head back against the cushion and dropped my hands, my eyes closed as I tried to find peace again. I tried to focus on the reward for the conversation.

Two whole weeks with Derek.

When I entered the building, I went past the elevator to Cleo’s desk.

She was typing on her computer, her hair pulled back into a slick ponytail, her posture perfect, her slender neck straight. A gold necklace hung from her throat, sitting on top of her pink blouse. She didn’t notice me.

So, I continued to stand there, watch the way her eyebrows moved up and down while she concentrated on whatever she worked on. The makeup around her eyes was heavier than I was used to, making her more stunning than usual.

Her eyes glanced my way as if she’d noticed my size out of the corner of her eye. Then she abandoned what she was doing, immediately looking flustered. “I’m sorry, Deacon. I didn’t notice you standing there.” She got to her feet, smoothing out her skirt in the process.

When I was close to her, all I could think about were her plump lips, the slender curves of her waist, and the way I smelled roses anytime I was near her.

Her hands came together at her waist, patient, as she waited for me to pull my thoughts together.

I cleared my throat, completely losing my train of thought. “Valerie said I could have Derek for ten days.”

“Wow…ten days?” She smiled. “That’s great. You guys are going to have so much fun together.” She seemed to understand me the best, understand just how happy Deacon made me.

I found myself wanting to share all my good news with her, because she seemed to genuinely share my excitement. Instead of complaining about Valerie, she shared my joy. It was nice. “I was wondering if you could still book that planetarium tour?”

“Absolutely. Anything else in mind?”

“He loves baseball, and the Yankees are playing the Giants.”

“Giants are his favorite team, right?”

“Yeah…” I was surprised she knew that.

“I’ll get you some good seats. What else? Does he like plays? Museums?”

I shook my head. “He’s not really an artistic type of person.”

“Just like you…should have assumed. I’m sure you’ll spend some time at the cabin, right?”

I nodded.

“Will you be taking this time off work?”

I hadn’t thought about it. “I would, but I can’t…”

“That’s okay. You can see him after work. Will your mother be watching him?”

I hadn’t thought of that either. I’d have to get a nanny if Derek did move here. “Um, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind watching him for a couple of days. I could take him to the office during the other times.”

“Alright. I’ll think of other things you can take him to. This is New York, there’re a million options.”

“Thank you.” I knew she would plan everything, arrange for all the transportation, book things privately, make it an experience Derek wouldn’t forget.

“When is he coming?”


“Alright. I’ll reserve the flights and pick him up.”

I didn’t even have to ask her. “Thanks.” She was the only one there, so I lingered, staring at her in front of me, enjoying the sight of her face after a long day at the office. Talking to Valerie was always a pain in the ass, but it was easy to forget the nightmare when I looked at Cleo, who didn’t have an unkind bone in her body.