He dropped his gaze for a few seconds, taking the time to process what I’d said. He raised his gaze again. “I told Tucker about some things Valerie did when we were married…and I just got upset about it.”


“I try not to think about it, but he provoked me.”

Why would Tucker question Deacon about something he clearly didn’t want to talk about? “Well, I’m sure it’s over now…don’t need to worry about it anymore.”

“Yeah.” His arms rested on the table, his hands together.

“You know, you can always talk to me about those things…if you just need to get it off your chest.”

His brown eyes were glued to mine, deep and beautiful, so intelligent and so soft at the same time. He always took in my words like soil absorbing rain after a long drought, getting every drop. “I know, Cleo.”

“Getting over my divorce was hard too. Took me a while.”

He hung on every word. “How long did it take you?”

I shrugged. “When someone hurts you like that, do you ever really get over it?” I would probably always be insecure, always be afraid a lover would betray me because I was so dedicated to my job. “Honestly, I haven’t really been with anyone since my divorce, at least not anything serious. Just a fling here and there…”

His eyes didn’t move from my face. “So, you aren’t ready for something serious?”

I didn’t understand the question, didn’t understand if there was more to his inquiry than it seemed…or I was just hoping for more. “After you’ve been burned, you’re never ready for a serious relationship—unless it’s with the right person. I think you’re more selective in who you spend time with, making sure you don’t pick the wrong person again.”

He continued to stare.

“I know your divorce is still fresh and she caused you a lot of turmoil, but none of it was your fault. You tried to do the honorable thing by marrying her, but she was taking advantage of you and manipulating you from the beginning. Not all people are evil like that, Deacon. And I have to remind myself that not all men are cheaters…it just takes time.”

He rubbed his fingers across the shadow along his jawline. “Yeah…just takes time.”

I stepped off the elevator and stilled when I saw Tucker outside my door.

I had a bag of groceries in my hand after picking up items on the way home from the office. It took me a few seconds to comprehend he was there, because we hadn’t seen each other since I broke things off.

I hoped he hadn’t come to change my mind. “Hey.” I walked toward him.

“Let me get that for you.” He took the bag from my hand so I could get my keys.

I was a little nervous, so I fumbled with my keys before I got the door open. “What brings you here?”

He stepped inside. “Wow, it looks totally different in here.” He glanced at the flowers then carried the bags to the counter.

Deacon’s flowers were on their last legs. I kept adding fresh water and plant food to keep them alive because I wanted to keep them forever. “Yeah. Deacon got me a housekeeper—as a thank-you for everything with Derek.” I set my purse and keys by the door.

“That was nice of him.” He left the bag on the counter and walked back toward me.

“Yeah, he’s a sweetheart.” He made every day shine, gave me something to look forward to at the office.

“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about…” He rubbed the back of his neck as he stood in front of me, like he was dreading the conversation about to take place.


He dropped his hand and slid it into his pocket. “I know this is weird because we used to date, and it’s also weird because it’s none of my business, but my brother is…difficult…and I want to help him out.”

Now, I was even more bewildered.

“I know you ended things with me because you’ve got it bad for my brother.”

My eyes widened at the accusation.

“And that’s fine,” he said quickly, raising his hands to calm me. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before, see the way the two of you click so well together. So, I talked to Deacon about it and…” He shook his head.

I was mortified. Completely mortified. I covered my face with my hands, wanting to dissociate from this moment, to pretend it wasn’t happening. “Oh my god, you didn’t…” I breathed into my hands.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled them down. “I told him to go for you—”

“I don’t have feelings for him, Tucker. I can’t believe you said that to him…”

He gave me a meaningful look, completely skeptical. “Cleo…come on.”

“I don’t.” I lied through my teeth, lied to save my pride.

His eyes softened. “I know you do. And I know he does too.”