“We can’t help everyone,” Mother says. “And we have to start somewhere. Shall we take a vote?”

Dylan’s eyes widen. “What for? You all seem to be on the same page?”

Chapter 26: Olivia

Melissa is already seated when I enter The Maze cocktail bar. I feel bad for all of two seconds then I remember that she is one of those always early people. It’s a thing with her.

It’s my first time at The Maze and I like the atmosphere at first glance. The décor is white and black with a lot of mirrors that give it a modern, chic look.

“Hey, you.” Melissa stands up and we exchange a warm hug.

“Hi. So good to see you.” I look down at her drink. “What are you having?”

“Tequila Sunrise. I plan to make complete use of my freedom before I begin my treatment,” Melissa says.

I nod. “Good idea. I’ll go grab one.”

There are a few other people at the bar and while I wait my turn, I fish out my phone to check for messages. There’s one from Chris, just a catch-up text. I write him back and ask him how the preparations for the tour are going. He doesn’t answer immediately and I navigate the screen to my inbox. There are the usual junk emails but there’s one that looks legit.

The header reads ‘For the attention of Olivia James, The Anderson Clinic.” Curious, I click on it and read the not-so-short email. My heart thuds louder and louder as I take in the contents of the email. I’m so angry, I want to spit fire like a dragon.

Why? Why would Jace send a complete stranger samples of my writing? Doesn’t he realize how personal writing is? I read the email again in disbelief. The guy’s name is Adam and he’s the editor of a magazine called Pulse Digest. It must be a very small publication because I’ve never heard of it.

“What can I get you?” the bartender asks, startling me out of my anger.

It takes a few seconds to remember what drink I’d settled on. Irritation grows on his pretty boy face and I apologize.

As my anger dies down, it dawns on me that Jace is just being an awesome boyfriend and wants to help. Put yourself in his shoes, Olivia, I tell myself. You have not shared your plans for the future with him. He’s worried that you lack ambition or are ruled by fear. He thinks you’ll apply for another temporary PA job when the current one ends and your dreams of being a writer will remain just that. Dreams.

My anger ebbs away. I wish Jace wasn’t so caring but then again, he wouldn’t be the man that I’ve fallen in love with. All those traits that make me love him are the same ones that are complicating my life. I can imagine that editor’s reaction when he gets my email.

It would be so awesome if I really was looking to start in journalism but I’m not. I type out a polite email, saying thank you for the compliments but I’m not looking for a job. The editor will think me an ambitionless airhead. Who turns down a job offer in a magazine without checking it out first?

I pay for my drink and make my way to the table.

“Nelson was so excited when I told him about meeting you that he wanted to come with me today,” Melissa says with a laugh.

I laugh. “I’d have loved to see him.” Melissa hit the jackpot with Nelson. He is kind and attentive and he thinks the sun rises and sets on Melissa.

“We have a lot to catch up on,” Melissa says. “Maybe another time. So tell me about your boyfriend. You said it was complicated.” She takes a sip of her cocktail, staring at me as if she’s at the movies and I’m on the screen.

“I don’t even know where to start.” I tip a fortifying sip of my cocktail. The cocktail goes down smoothly, with no bite to the alcohol. The first taste is sour, but finishes with a sweet, spicy taste of cinnamon and cloves, finishing with a hint of lime. “Yum.”

“Start at the beginning. Where did you meet this sexy Viking?”

I laugh. Melissa always did have a flair for drama. “First of all, I didn’t tell you that he’s a sexy Viking.”

“You didn’t have to,” Melissa says. “The gleam in your eyes gave it away. Only a sexy Viking can put that gleam there.”

I laugh. I’ve missed having a close girlfriend. Chris doesn’t quite live up to it even though he’s the perfect best friend. “I met Jace in his office. He was interviewing me for a PA job.”

I giggle when Melissa’s jaw drops. She listens keenly as if I’m about to give her anti-aging secrets. When I’m done, she stares at me with a stunned expression.

“I’d hate to be you right now,” she finally says.

I groan. “I don’t want to be me right now. What am I going to do? I’m in love with him and he’s told me that he feels the same way.”

“It sounds complicated when you tell it, but it’s really not.”