“You look so fuckable seated at your desk so serious, focusing on your work,” Jace says.

I giggle. “You don’t look like you should be saying that, let alone thinking it.” My gaze ripples over his perfectly cut suit and his shoes. Jace dresses to impress. He says that he’s the face of the clinic and I understand that now.

“But you know better, don’t you?” Jace’s voice goes low and sexy. A thrill goes through me. “Don’t you?”

Heat whips through me. His words evoke memories of last night. Jace between my legs doing things with his tongue that made me scream until my voice went hoarse. Jace above me, sweat glistening on his forehead, his eyes blazing with passion and then thrusting into me and both of us crying out each other’s names.

“I do.” My voice is husky and sexy, revealing the train of my thoughts.

“I could take you home right now,” Jace says menacingly as he moves towards me.

A thrill shoots through me. I stand up and meet him halfway. I’m careful not to ruin his hair before his meeting with the renovation committee. Our mouths meet each other with greedy desperation as we press our bodies against each other. Will this ever end? This insatiable need that I have for Jace? Will he look at me with disdain and hatred one day?

Jace kneads the flesh of my hips and my ass. He holds me so tightly that I can feel the hard ridges of his cock. Pleasure washes over me and heats my insides.

Then he pulls back and grins at me.

“I hate to do this but I have to go,” he says, regret in his eyes. “Sorry. Not sorry.”

I laugh. “I’ll survive.”

I return to my chair and watch him as he walks down the corridor. He disappears and sadness comes over me. I don’t know how I’ll survive without Jace in my life. He has become a part of me in a way I could not have predicted.

I force my attention back to work. Two hours later, thoughts of Jace have taken my mind captive. I’ve never given thought to what will happen when the three months are up. Now I can’t stop thinking about it. There will be no big scene or announcement. I’ll slip out of Jace’s life as easily as I entered it. Amelia will be itching to publish something big and as soon as he sees it, he’ll know where it came from. The one thing I’m grateful for is that I won’t be there to see the betrayal in his face. Imagining that makes me feel sick.

I need to get out of the office and stretch my legs. I put my computer to sleep with the sigh of a person who is weary of pretending to be someone else and push away from my desk. As I leave I pause to take one last look at my desk and Jace’s door. My days here are numbered and the thought fills me with immense sadness.

I make my way through the hallways of the clinic, exchanging nods and greetings with people I have grown to know over the past few months. I turn down a hallway and find myself in the Fertility Wing. That's when I see her: Melissa. She’s standing with her side to me but I’d recognize her anywhere. We were in college together and had been close friends but after graduation, we drifted apart. She still wears flannel shirts and jeans but her curves that make her stand out. They go for days and she had all the boys hitting on her.

It’s too late to duck and when she sees me she gives a cry of surprise. “Olivia!” The same wide smile that I remember lights up her face.

“Melissa.” We hug and give each other air kisses. “How have you been?”

We exchange pleasantries for a few minutes then the nurse calls her back to reception.

“I’m just getting my next appointment date. Wait for me. Let’s go have a cup of coffee. I hear that they have a great café.”

Melissa is still as friendly as she always was and I feel a stab of sorrow that I allowed us to drift apart. She did try for a while, texting and making coffee dates. The fault was mine, I’m afraid. I didn’t try very hard and once someone is out of my life, I move on very quickly. It’s as if I place people in compartments for different phases of my life. Will it be the same with Jace? Will I box him in a compartment and store it away? I fervently hope that I can do that.

Melissa finishes up with the receptionist and together we head to the clinic cafeteria for coffee. We chat as we walk.

"You seem very comfortable, so I assume you work here?" Melissa says. "I thought you wanted to be a writer? That was your dream."

I smile, wondering how much to tell her. "That's a long story. What about you?" I’m not sure how much I want to tell her about my undercover work, though there’s no reason to be worried.

"I'm a patient at the fertility wing," Melissa says.

“Oh,” I say. “Well, you’re in the right place.”

I wait until we grab our coffee and sit down, before asking her for details. "What's wrong?" I ask her, falling into the pattern of our past friendship where we were open with each other.

Melissa sighs. "I'm married. I got married three years ago to Nelson. I sent you an invitation but you didn't respond." Nelson was in college with us as well and both of them were studying business courses.

Embarrassment floods me. "I didn't see it." That's the truth but I used to go weeks without looking at my personal email and when I did, I sometimes deleted things without reading them. Especially emails with attachments. Shame floods me, confronted by my past bad behavior. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. That was a long time ago and we were still kids. Do you work here?” She sips her coffee and looks at me waiting for my answer.

It takes less than two seconds to make a decision. “I work at Lifestyle Magazine,” I begin and her face lights up with a smile.