“It’s not my decision to make,” I tell Dylan. Even though our parents are not involved in the day-to-day running of the clinic they are part of the board and any major decisions must go through them. When we have a pressing issue, we hold a family meeting to discuss it. We haven’t had to do that in months.

“We all know that mother and father will support any decision that you support,” Dylan says.

My brother just does not know when to stop. Alec tells Dylan to give me time and he changes the topic. I drain the last of my coffee and excuse myself. I’m in a foul mood when I return to the office. I feel like an asshole for not being enthusiastic about Dylan’s idea.

It’s not the first time that he’s suggested that we do something for our community as a clinic. I love helping as much as the next guy but there’s a lot to consider from the financial aspect to how it will affect our existing clients. I feel a headache coming on.

“Jace, I have three candidates for the PA position ready for you to interview,” Sarah, my PA says following me into my office.

“Why?” I ask as I go around to sit at my desk. I’ve never been involved in recruitment ever.

“Why?” she repeats after me. “So that you can pick the most suitable.”

Sarah is going on maternity leave in the next couple of days and I need someone to cover for her during the three months she will be away. “Can’t you make a final decision?” She’s better placed to know the kind of person I need.

Sarah looks exasperated. “No, boss. This is something you’re going to do yourself.” She lets out an exhausted sigh. It’s only a few days until she gives birth and her belly looks like it’s about to explode. The sooner we get a temporary PA, the better.

I know better than to keep arguing even though the last thing I want to do is to conduct interviews. “Fine. Give me ten minutes and show the first one in.”

I log into my email and for the next ten minutes, I respond to emails. Sarah has already filtered them and dealt with the ones that do not require my personal attention. In a day, I receive approximately two hundred emails and I have to keep on top of them otherwise my inbox will become unmanageable.

Time flies and before I know it, Sarah knocks on my door and places three folders on my desk. “Shall I send the first one in?” she asks.

I nod and reluctantly tear my attention away from my computer screen to the first folder. Marion is her name and a flip of the file tells me that she’s more than qualified to work as my assistant. She’s held the same position in different companies though working in a hospital setting is more demanding.

“Have a seat and tell me why you want to work at The Anderson Clinic,” I tell her.

She smiles and sits down. Everything about her on paper is right and when she starts talking, that is right too. She’d be perfect for the job. I give her five minutes and then I ask Sarah to send the next one in.

I go through Amanda’s file. Like Marion, she’s qualified as well. I’m perplexed as to why Sarah couldn’t make the final choice. They are suitable and any of them will do and besides, it’s just for three months. I’m bored and itching to get back to my work by the time the third woman walks in. I don’t even look up when she enters.

“Have a seat.”

She shuts the door behind her and walks to the visitor’s chair and sits down. “Thank you,” she says in a voice that makes me look up. She smiles.

I meet a pair of amber eyes, looking straight at me and I suck in a breath. Her smile smashes into me and my heart hammers in my chest. Sweat forms on my brow. Puzzled by my reaction, I stare at her closely. Maybe we’ve met before, perhaps had an affair. No. If I’d met Olivia James before, I’d remember it. She has an innocence about her that tugs at my heart. That must be it. She’s younger than the other two women. I check the folder for her age. Twenty-four. She looks it too.

She has silky dark brown hair which is tied in a ponytail, making her look even younger than she is. My eyes are drawn to her lips and I find myself thinking how it would feel to suck on her lower lip. I chastise myself immediately, feeling like a dirty old man.

“Tell me about yourself,” I say. I’m all ears, my interest piqued by the gorgeous creature in front of me. She has an unforgettable face with perfectly shaped features. She could easily be a model if she wanted to.

She smiles and my heart pounds faster as if that smile is meant for me and me alone. Insanity. I’m losing my fucking mind. Maybe I’ve been overworking myself if a twenty-four-year-old female can affect me like this.

“My name is Olivia James,” she says in an unexpectedly husky voice. It’s so different from how I imagined her voice would sound. It’s sexy and deep. I can imagine her whispering in my ear, urging me to do dirty things to her. My dick hardens and I’m grateful for my desk which covers up the evidence of my shameful thoughts. I’ve never been attracted to a female at work. I’ve learned to compartmentalize my life but my brain seems to have forgotten how to do that with Olivia.

I force myself to listen to her. She’s the least qualified of the three candidates. I now get what Sarah meant when she said that I would know the right one when I met her. Olivia feels right to me and not because she’s goddamn sexy and appealing. I like the friendly vibe she gives off. Being a PA is more than a list of formal qualifications. A person’s personality matters and how well it matches the boss’s. Sarah and I work perfectly together. Olivia and I will be just as well-matched.

Mind made up, I bring the interview to a close, even though I could listen to her voice all day. I stand up and she does the same.

“Thanks for coming,” I tell her and offer her my hand.

She folds it into mine and something sharp and sweet stabs me in the middle. “Thanks for inviting me to interview,” she says and then turns away to leave.

My gaze is drawn to the curve of her ass encased in what women refer to as a pencil skirt. I quickly sit down. It’s suddenly too warm in my office. Fuck. I’ve never felt such a physical attraction for a woman I’ve just met. A warning goes off in my head, even though it’s unnecessary. I don’t date employees. Period. But a man can fantasize.

Sarah comes in, walking slowly due to the size of her pregnant belly. “So, what did you think?”

“They are all qualified,” I tell her. “But I liked Olivia’s friendliness.”