Any child produced will permanently reside in New York and live with me or my family half the time. Given that Luc and Sophia are the last two Ruocco family members standing, the child need never travel to Sicily. If they wish to visit in the future, I’ll take them personally.
I’m lost in my own thoughts when the doctor disturbs my concentration.
“How long have you been married, did you say?”
“Just over a year.”
He frowns and then smiles at me. “Not that it’s any of my business, but it seems a long time to wait to con….”
“Thank you, Dr. Abella,” Sophia interrupts him. We both turn to face her. “My husband and I decided to delay starting a family. As you will appreciate, ours was an arranged marriage, so we wanted to get to know each other before taking the next step. We are both very pleased to hear that there is nothing preventing a pregnancy.”
Lies fall so easily from her lips. What else has she been lying about, I wonder?
“I still have to get checked out medically, of course.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary, Padraig.”
“There’s no point in going to all that physical effort if I’m unable to uphold my side of the bargain.”
“Well, I do have the contact details of a highly recommended urologist.” Dr. Abella opens his desk drawer and pulls out a white business card. He reaches across the desk. Sophia attempts to take it, but I get there first.
I’ll make the appointment to suit me. Knowing her, we’d be heading there now, and I need five minutes to get my head around all of this. We say our goodbyes, then leave.
I typically drive myself, as does our Dyl. As I had Sophia with me today, I roped Liam into bringing us.
I get in the back of the SUV, and Liam opens the door for Sophia. I watch as she closes the privacy screen.
“So, that is good news, is it not?”
I glance at her as she sits beside me. She’s wearing cream pants with a matching top, the color perfectly setting off her olive skin. Her perfume is the same as before.
I realize the reason I dislike it so much is because it’s lily based. It reminds me of our wedding day.
“I suppose so.”
“You suppose so.” She lets out a light laugh before placing her red talon-tipped hand possessively on my upper thigh. Putting my own hand over hers, I lift it off and place it back in her lap without saying a word.
“Have you spoken to Jaine recently?”
“You know I haven’t.”
“No calls, no messages, no more secret visits?”
“Her visit wasn’t a secret.”
“I beg to differ, Padraig. Her fiancé wasn’t aware she would be alone with you in your apartment. I’m told he only found out when the intruders descended on the house, and he asked after her whereabouts.”
I can’t deny a thing. Jaine hasn’t covered either of us in glory doing what she did. I know it was a spur-of-the-moment decision, but still.
“I heard they’re still not on speaking terms. A pity when, according to you, nothing happened.”
“Nothing did happen, and they had already split up. Jaine visiting me had nothing to do with their separation.”
“Perhaps not, but it will no doubt be the reason they never get back together. Your brother doesn’t strike me as the type of man who would ever accept sloppy seconds.”
“As I said, nothing happened. Anyway, Jaine was mine first.”
“And now you’re mine.” She places her hand on my thigh once more, and this time I leave it where it is. It’s just not worth the effort.She’snot worth the effort. She gets off on garnering a reaction from me.