“When Jaine was leaving, she bumped into Sophia on her way in.”
“Jesus Christ. So Sophia knows Jaine spent the night at your place? Did you try to deny it?” He sounds worried, and with good reason. Sophia will have run straight home to tell her big brother.
“I told Sophia that Jaine just needed a place to stay after what happened back at the house and that nothing had gone on between us. She may have seen her arriving last night, so lying about it might have made the situation worse. She’d then have thought Ididhave something to hide.”
“And the outcome?”
“She’d previously said she didn’t want me to see Jaine face to face anymore. Now I’m not allowed to speak to her via any other means either.” I run my hand through my hair in frustration.
Sophia hates Jaine’s guts. Because she’s my ex-girlfriend, or for some other reason?
“Ever again?”
“Not until Sophia’s pregnant.”
“So, you really are going to go through with it?”
“If it’s the only way to buy my freedom, what choice do I have? I just need to read through the contract line by line to make sure I’m in agreement with everything.”
“And how do you feel about the fact that you can’t speak to Jaine?”
“Maybe it’s for the best, at least for now,” I admit.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that.”
“She told me she loved me, Dylan. In fairness, she only told me because she thought she was going to die.”
“Until her ex-husband saved her life.”
“He didn’t save her life. He saved The Exterminator’s life. Anyway, how is he?”
“Not good. Unlike Sophia, he won’t believe that nothing happened between you and Jaine.”
“Jaine will speak to him. She had a little come-to-Jesus’ moment after everything that happened. I think she now realizes that she was perhaps a bit hasty where he’s concerned. I’m sure she’ll try to sort things out with him now.”
“I wish her luck with that because I don’t think he’ll be very receptive.”
“How so?” I frown.
“I think he’s had enough, Paddy. You’ve not been party to it, but their relationship has been a rollercoaster from day one, and that’s putting it mildly.”
“But they have a son. Surely, it’s got to be worth putting in the extra effort for Fin’s sake? And then there’s little JJ. He already thinks Eoin’s his da.”
Another pause.
“What else, Dylan?”
“It’s not for me to….”
“I need to ask Jaine, right?” I exhale in frustration.
“So Jaine stayed there last night, and nothing happened.” He changes the subject.
“Your tone doesn’t sound convincing, Paddy. What the hell happened?”
“We got here, she showered while I dealt with her blood-stained clothes, she cried, then she went to bed. This morning, we had a chat, and then we kissed.”