Padraig’s Apartment, Hudson Yards, New York

I stareat my wife across the room.

She looks pristine in black pants and a white silk blouse, her dark hair hanging in a sleek wave down her back. Most men would find her beautiful, but the surface is just a façade hiding her true ugliness. Then again, most men wouldn’t care about what lies underneath.

I’m not most men.

The last time we spoke, she asked me for a baby. I tentatively agreed on one condition. That she grants me an annulment.

I don’t want to introduce a child into their environment, but if I’m to be given no choice in the matter, then we can co-parent. That way, my son or daughter can live a relatively normal existence half the time with my own family instead of a toxic one full-time with the Ruoccos.

“Have you given any thought to what we discussed, Padraig?” She glances at her nails absent-mindedly like she has other places she’d much rather be. She doesn’t.

“I have.”


“One pregnancy for one annulment.”

“I haven’t discussed the annulment side of things with my broth….”

“One pregnancy. One annulment. We then co-parent. The child lives with me fifty percent of the time. I’ll personally handle the legal side of things to ensure the utmost privacy and confidentiality. That’s my final offer. Take it or leave it, Sophia.

“The alternative is that we continue on as we are. If your brother doesn’t like my final decision, he can pass me the gun, and I’ll happily pull the trigger myself. Given how much his new organization needs the alliance with my family, I very much doubt he’d want it to come to that.”

She sashays across to me, using her walk of seduction once more in an attempt to gain my interest. It will never work.

“I’m sure I can convince Luciano to accept your terms, so I think, since I’m already here, that we should just get started.”

Fisting her hair, I yank her head back, leaning forward until my lips hover over hers, my breath hot against her mouth. I deliberately stare at her lips, and she licks them in silent response. I smirk down at her. “After we sign a new contract… wife.”

I release her, and she stumbles backward. She’s pink-cheeked and flustered because she thought I was going to kiss her. I wasn’t.

“There’s one final condition.”

A typical untrustworthy Ruocco already attempting to move the goalposts.

“And what might that be?” I stare at her.

“I want you to stay away from Jaine Jones.” She tilts her chin defiantly.

She must be aware that Eoin and Jaine are currently on a break.She’ll be worried I may fall for Jaine’s charms again, thus thwarting her procreation plans. What she doesn’t realize is that it will be nothing more than a temporary blip between them.

“Don’t disrespect me on this matter, Padraig.” She doesn’t say the wordsor else, but we both know they’re silently implied—an unspoken reminder of the veiled threat issued in Jaine’s direction. “I will have it added to the contract,” she adds.

I say nothing. We both know my lack of response is my acceptance. It’s not like I have any other choice.

“Then we’re verbally agreed. One pregnancy. One annulment. Yes?”

This time I do answer. “Yes.”

“Give me your word, Padraig.”

“Subject to contract, I give you my word, Sophia.”

“Then I shall discuss the matter with my brother and have our lawyers draw up the necessary paperwork for your perusal.” I watch as she leaves.