“I’m not sure how our parents would react. You know how strongly they feel about marriage.”

“It’s not a divorce, so legally, it would be the same as if the marriage had never taken place.”

“I know what an annulment is. It’s what Jaine and Eoin had. Jaine cited that she had been forced into the union.”

“Why did they get married in the first place?”

I have so many questions, but I’m not expecting to get many of them answered.

“For the protection of Finian. After Ace was killed and after what took place at St. Patrick’s, everyone was on high alert. Once it became common knowledge that Fin was a Duster, he would have immediately become our Achilles heel. You know that. It was the only way.”

“Then why annul it?”

“It’s a long story and one that’s not really mine to tell.” He sounds sheepish. He’s hiding something, but then Dylan’s always been the one who’s had to be the keeper of secrets. Most of them mine. “But they love each other now. You can see that, can’t you?”

I know they do. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes.

“Why her, though, Dylan? When he could have had anyone he wanted?” I ask the burning question.

“They fought it for a long-time, Jaine especially, but in the end, they caved. We don’t get to choose who we fall in love with. You and I both know that. So, what are you going to do about Sophia?”

“I’ll have no option but to do their bidding.”

I don’t tell him it’s also because I’ve been backed into a corner by a veiled threat made against Jaine. Sophia’s sharp. If she catches on that I’ve spilled my guts, she may retaliate by carrying out her threat regardless. It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.

The way I see it, at the end of the day, I need to get her pregnant to gain my freedom anyway.



The Hudson Dusters’ HQ, Manhattan, New York

“Lucifer called this morning.It looks like it’s showtime. He’s had three brothers come forward in just over twenty-four hours. Apparently, they’ve been approached by the Colombians in much the same way Abel was. Same threats, same everything. I’ve told him to call church with Ghost to make sure all of Colton is singing from the same hymn sheet.”

I make eye contact with everyone around the table from where I sit on Eoin’s right-hand side. Jessie’s notably absent, no doubt avoiding me after our recent run-in. We’ve since made our peace, but things are still a little tense between us.

“I’ll speak to Rod and Delaney after this meeting. In fact, I may take a ride to the Scorpions’ clubhouse and have a face-to-face with Delaney. I have a few documents I need signing anyway.”

“You’re not going anywhere on your own.”

A menacing growl from my left utters words that are fast becoming a permanent echo around here. Just who the fuck does Eoin think he is?

Anger immediately spirals through me, an emotion that’s becoming way too familiar nowadays. Since we’ve started semi-living together, his possessive streak has gotten out of control. A reality that’s causing things to deteriorate between us. Something he’s either ignoring or thinks I won’t act on.

If he believes the latter, then he really doesn’t know me at all.

I glance around the faces once more. As I suspected, everyone is now waiting for my adverse reaction like this is all some sort of game.

Ace is dead. Abel is dead. Raf is dead. It’s no goddamn game.

I turn to face him. “We’ve had this conversation several times. You don’t get to tell me what to do. You don’t get to tell me how to live my life.” My response is clipped.

“I’m your fiancé.”

“That doesn’t mean you own me. That doesn’t give you automatic control over me.”

“I took a vow to protect you.”