“You insisted you didn’t wish to hear about anything that wasn’t business related. I was simply doing as you asked, Padraig.” She looks smug. We both know she deliberately didn’t tell me.
“I’d have wanted to know if my brother had gotten married.” I’m trying to remain calm because we both know she wants me to react adversely.
She tsks. “Oh, come now, Padraig. If Eoin had married Molly, you wouldn’t have cared less. It’s the fact that he married your former flame that’s causing you the problem.”
I don’t respond. She’s right, and she knows it.
“It’s time you got over your pathetic little infatuation with Jaine. She’s re-marrying your brother. Surely that’s all the proof you need to confirm that she doesn’t care about you and probably never has. She loves him. Not you. It’s time to get over it now.”
“And do what exactly?”
She strolls toward me. It’s meant to be seductive, but it does nothing for me.Shedoes nothing for me. She stands so close that I’m met with the clawing stench of her perfume. It’s almost as repugnant as she is.
“Well, perhaps the news I’m about to share is perfect timing. Luciano has had a change of heart about us. He wants you and I to be seen as a happily married couple. He believes it will help promote the correct image for our new organization and attract higher-quality individuals.
“Most of the people he is trying to entice have wives and children. It would appear that family lies at the heart of most organizations of our type. That means there can be no more living apart or pretense.”
“I will never be your husband, Sophia.” I glare at her.
She pouts at me, no doubt trying to make her mouth look inviting enough for me to want to kiss it.
“But you alreadyaremy husband.”
“In name only. I will never perform the intimate duties expected of a husband.”
“Come now, Padraig. You’re part of the Ruocco family now. Luciano expects us to behave like a young couple in the first throes of love. As head of our family, we must follow his instruction and do what is expected.”
“I’m a Duster. I answer to my da. I will never be a Ruocco. I will never answer to your brother. I will also never love you, Sophia.”
“I can live with that if I must, but Luciano now also wishes for us to provide him with a Duster heir.”
My heart sinks in my chest. I expected Luciano to move the goalposts, but not to this extent.
“Then we can use IVF.”
“That process will take too long.”
“Take it or leave it because I won’t fuck you, Sophia,” I hiss.
“You managed once before.” She bats her eyelashes at me. Like that will make any difference.
“I was drunk.”
“You still must have found me attractive enough.”
“And that was also before I found out that you’re not a very pleasant person to be around.”
She smirks, no doubt proud of the fact that she’s a complete bitch. “I’m not asking for you to be around me any longer than it takes to get me pregnant, Padraig.”
“I won’t do it.”
There’s a pause. She’s about to play her trump card.
“It was an interesting conversation today, don’t you think? That your precious Jaine believes herself to be at such high risk of an attack. I wonder who from?”
“Don’t you dare fucking threaten her,” I snarl.
She smiles wickedly. “I’m not a fool like Molly. I would never blatantly threaten anyone, especially not the future Da Duster’s very own fiancée. But accidents happen all the time. Jaine must have many enemies considering the clients she represents. I’m sure if something were to happen to her, while it would be unfortunate, it wouldn’t be entirely unexpected.”