There’s a pause.
“Don’t keep me in suspense, Jessie.”
“Hold on. I’m just trying to recall what was said. It was back in the day when I used to hide out in the restroom and shut myself inside the cubicle.”
“Because that’s what people of a sound mind do.” I snort.
“I never once said I was of a sound mind.”
“True. Go on.”
“So, they entered the restroom together while I was doing my thing in the cubicle.”
“Hiding from Dylan.”
“That’s it. Anyway, they mentioned something about Roisin and a task. I’m not sure what the task was, so maybe you’d be best to ask the current Ma Duster for that little tidbit of information, but by all accounts, Paddy was refusing to sleep with Sophia, and she was getting a little irked by his constant rejection. More so as Molly was getting plenty of action from your current fiancé.”
“Too much information.”
“Jealousy’s a curse, I know.”
“I’m not jealous,” I snap.
“I believe you.” Clearly, she doesn’t, and she’s right not to because I am goddamn jealous.
“Anyway, Sophia was convinced it was because Paddy still loved you. She said that if she was going to be stuck in a loveless marriage facing a lifetime of solitude and misery, then it was only fair that she affords you the same courtesy. They also mentioned something about taking the law into their own hands.”
Air escapes my lungs, and I suddenly can’t breathe.
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this at the time, Jessie!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t….”
“Think! You didn’t goddamn think!”
“I thought it was just restroom gossip.” I’m annoyed that she sounds upset. What has she got to be upset about? Her husband wasn’t the one who was murdered in cold blood.
“Restroom gossip that could potentially have saved Ace’s life had we known!”
I feel sick. I know it’s hearsay. I know it’s not concrete evidence of any wrongdoing. I know it probably wouldn’t have changed the outcome. If Ace were in their sights, they would have gotten to him sooner or later. It’s not the fucking point.
“You should have told me, Jessie!”
I disconnect the call.
Padraig’s Apartment, Hudson Yards, New York
“You’ve knownthe whole time, yet you’ve said nothing.”
I stare accusingly at my wife. Today’s the first time I’ve seen her since we returned to New York three weeks ago. After visiting my family’s home with me earlier, she then insisted on coming back to my apartment, no doubt, to search for signs of any random females I may have hooked up with.
I watch as she struts around my home like she owns it, picking things up, then putting them down in the wrong place.