“And how’s married life?” It’s my turn to ask a blunt question. Not that I really want to know that answer.

She smiles as she glances lovingly at Padraig, who’s sitting to her right and looking like he’d rather be anywhere else than here. “We’re still in the honeymoon period, so we have many sleepless nights. Unlike you, it’s not because we’re being kept awake by crying babies, but all in good time.”

I’m sure I can taste vomit in my mouth.

My thoughts drift to the recent comment Irish made. He said he would never be a father. What did he mean by that, as Sophia’s words are contradictory? I had just assumed it was because she had a medical issue, but that doesn’t appear to be the case unless she’s just trying to rile me.

“And how is business?” I continue. “I heard the unfortunate news from Leo. That Luc decided to step down. A new venture on the cards, perhaps?”

He didn’t step down. He was let go. Fortunately for him, with his life intact. Unfortunate for the rest of us.

“That is why we have returned.”

Disappointingly, she doesn’t expand further.

An awkward silence follows, interrupted by Fin letting out a noisy yell. Irish uses it as his opportunity to vacate the sofa. Standing, he scoops up a giggling Fin before tossing him high in the air.

“He’s a beautiful boy.” Sophia smiles at Fin and Irish, the latter no longer paying any attention to what’s being discussed.

“Yes, he is.” I smile for the first time.

“He’s very hyper. Much more like Padraig than Eoin, wouldn’t you agree?”

She knows.

“Children Fin’s age are always hyper.” I force the smile to remain fixed on my face.

She nods, her unblinking gaze holding mine. “His eyes are also identical in color to Padraig’s.”

“They’re the same color as Fergal’s.”

“Would anyone care for a cup of tea?” Roisin cuts in.

Has she also realized Sophia knows the secret we’ve been trying so hard to keep from her? For how long? And who told her? Not that it matters.

Five weeks from now, all will be revealed anyway.

* * *

The kids are in bed,Eoin’s still at the office, and I’m sitting on the sofa in the safe space on the phone to Jessie.

My conversation with Sophia has been eating away at me ever since she and Irish left. I would never have suspected that she and Molly were allies, but after today, I’d be willing to bet my last dollar that Sophia knows Fin’s true parentage. Those comments were laid out deliberately. She wanted me to know that she knows.

“Were Molly and Sophia friends?”

“Why are you asking, partner?”

“Because I strongly suspect Sophia knows who Fin’s biological daddy is. She mentioned that his personality is more like Padraig’s than Eoin’s.”

“Well, that doesn’t really prove anything.”

“I know, but she then went on to mention that his eye color matches Padraig’s too. I know it’s not proof paramount, but it wasn’t so much what she said but the way she said it. It was as though she was laying out these facts on purpose because she wanted me to know that she knows.”

“And you think Molly told her?”

“Who else could have? It’s not common knowledge. Rodolfo doesn’t know. Leo doesn’t know. If this information were in the public domain, they would know for sure. They never take their finger off the pulse of this life.”

“True. I mean, Molly and Sophia used to have regular girly get-togethers with Roisin at The Palace, and I did overhear one particular conversation.”