“I’m not sure what it’s called. Irish brought me here once. It was after I carried out the hit on Lebedev.”

“I think I know the one. Our parents used to take us there when we were kids.” He pauses. “Why did you go there, Jaine?”

He lets out a sigh when I don’t reply. I’m not sure why he’s even asking. He knows exactly why I came here. Because of the memories it holds. Memories I had boxed away as I had no one else to share them with. Until now.

“No one knew he was coming back. We’re all just as shocked as you are.” He continues when I don’t respond. “Anyway, how did the reunion go.”

I snort. “Today really was a day full of surprises.”

“What do you mean?”

“The girl Irish cheated on me with was there. It turns out she lied and then decided to keep up the pretense for twelve years.”

“What do you mean she lied?”

“Irish didn’t cheat on me after all. She made it up because she wanted him for herself.”

Deafening silence.

He knows now why I needed this time to clear my head. It’s not just because Irish showed up unannounced. It’s because if I’d known then what I know now, we’d never have split up in the first place.

Eventually, he speaks. “Are you going to tell him?”

“No, and you’re not going to tell him either.”

Telling that truth won’t help either of us. It won’t change anything. We’ve both moved on.

“What about Fin?”

“I’ll discuss that with the others when I get back. I appreciate the risks involved in Sophia knowing, but the way I see it, someone likely knows his true parentage anyway, so it’s only a matter of time before it becomes public knowledge.”

“The family may still ask you to keep up the pretense a little longer while they take stock of the Ruocco situation.”

“Then we’ll agree on a timeframe, but when it’s reached, I’m telling Irish everything.”



The Hudson Dusters’ HQ, Manhattan, New York

I thoughtmy existence couldn’t get any worse.

It turns out it can.

Not only is the girl I’ll forever be in love with going to take the vows with my eldest brother for a second time, but apparently they also share a child together.

I’m still processing the events of yesterday. From the unwelcoming reception afforded me by my own flesh and blood to this soul-destroying admission Dylan insisted on delivering on the phone last night.

Apparently, there’s more, but that’s all he felt able to share. The only reason he said anything at all is so I was prepared in advance.

Did Jaine fuck Eoin before or after she told me that she didn’t love me? Did he spurn her in the end? Is that why she hated him so much? Not that it really matters.

This is simply a case of me being served my just desserts for cheating.

Apparently, Jaine had been passing Fin off as Ace’s, and when he lost his life, and she returned to New York, she came clean and admitted that he’s a Duster.

Eoin has a son. Something I’ll never have because I’d only ever want to have a family with her, and now she’s marrying him.