I almost drop my phone. So, she is back in New York. Unless she’s just flown in for the reunion, but then why fly all that way not to stay longer?

Padraig:How was she?

Fletch:Her business is doing well, and she looked beautiful—quite the transformation.

Padraig:She was always beautiful.

And she was. It fucks me off that no one could ever see past her braces and glasses.

Fletch:She was also sporting a rather vulgar engagement ring.

So she has moved on. I can see he’s still typing so I wait.

Fletch:She and Brittany had a private conversation.


Fletch:There’s only one person and one event they would ever be conversing about.

Padraig:Mind telling me what was said?

Fletch:If you want to know more, you’ll need to get it straight from the horse’s mouth.



Padraig:We don’t talk these days.

Fletch:Sorry, bud, but my lips are sealed. Jaine asked Brittany to keep it to herself, and that command has been passed down to Skylar and me.

Padraig:Was it anything important?

Fletch:You’ll have to ask Jaine. Anyway, let me know what your movements are. I’ll be in New York for another week before flying back to the UK.

Padraig:Congratulations, by the way. I’m glad you finally decided to make an honest woman of Skylar. It seems only fair, given how many times she sucked you off. Your cock must be permanently imprinted on the inside of her mouth.

Fletch:Why do you think I’m marrying her?

I smile before placing the phone on the table. Did Brittany give Jaine the lowdown on what happened, or did she pull her aside to apologize?

I’ll never know the answer. I’ll never know what happened that fateful night either since I can’t remember a thing. At least, that’s something to be thankful for.

No flashbacks.

My smile quickly evaporates. The news of Jaine’s engagement now sitting like a dead weight in my chest where my heart used to be.

Was I secretly hoping he’d say something I wanted to hear? Like she missed me or that she loved me still? In the end, all I got was the confirmation I’d known all along. That in three years, she’s never looked back once.

Jealousy claws at my gut. I never expected her to move on so soon after Ace.

Who with?

Not that it’s any of my business. I just pray to God that it’s not someone I know. That really would be rubbing salt in a wound that refuses to heal.

At the end of the day, she’s following her path the same as I’m having to follow mine. It’s unlikely they’ll ever cross in the future, so it doesn’t matter who.

Why would they cross? We lived in the same city before and managed to go nine years without bumping into each other. Was that intentional or not? I’m not entirely sure. I never really gave it much thought.