Brittany’s been after me since we enrolled. She’s been quite vocal about the fact that she saw me and her as being the newest celebrity couple on campus.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s a beautiful girl. There aren’t many fellas who wouldn’t give their right testicle to fuck her, but I’m not interested in the dark-haired, olive-skinned former cheerleader. I mean I was, but that was before I met Jaine.
I frown as my thoughts drift to her. She’s been avoiding me for the past week. Her constant rejection is making things awkward between us, more so when she keeps giving me the green light before switching to red at the last minute.
Obviously, I’m not going to pressure her into doing something she doesn’t want to, but it does have me constantly wondering what the real reason is.
Slouching back further on the burger-shaped beanbag, I throw a baseball in the air before catching it in the complementary leather mit.
“Jaine told me she loves me,” I mumble like it’s not a big deal when, to me, it means everything. I should feel happy, but I don’t.
“Aww, how sweet,” Fletch smirks before making kissing noises, causing me to launch the baseball at his head. He snickers as he catches it with ease before running his other hand through his shaggy blonde hair.
As a former high school quarterback, he’s also extremely popular with the ladies, hence why our room constantly stinks of sex.
He makes full use of the space while I’m at Jaine’s and sometimes even when I’m not. Trying to drown out the noise of people fucking while you’re trying to sleep is not easy, even with earplugs and a dozen pillows stacked on your head.
Maybe I’m just jealous because I’m not getting any.
As much as Fletch looks and acts like your typical jock, he’s actually a pretty decent guy. I know I can tell him this sort of stuff without him taking the piss.
“And did you say it back?” he questions, one eyebrow raised.
I stare at him before realizing that I didn’t. I do love her. Of course, I do. I shake my head. “I didn’t.”
“Any reason for that?” He tosses the ball in the air and catches it.
“I guess because I’m not sure if she really meant it?”
“Why would she say it if she didn’t mean it?” He looks confused as he throws the ball back at me, and I catch it in the mit.
I shrug. “I reckon she only said it to appease me.”
“Because she still won’t put out?”
I nod. “I get that she’s been hurt in the past, but surely waiting all this time proves to her that I’m in this for the long haul and that I’m not just chasing one thing?”
“Do you think there’s any other reason?”
I shrug again. “Who knows? Maybe she doesn’t like me enough. Maybe she’s trying to friendzone me.”
“Do you think she’s still hung up on her ex?”
“I think she’s more than hung up on him, Fletch. I reckon she’s still in love with the fella. Three months and I’ve not even seen her pussy, let alone licked it or fucked it,” I complain as I toss the ball in the air once again.
“Your next fuck will be like your first time all over again.” He snickers.
“Eeejit.” I throw the ball at his head and miss a second time.
To party or not to party?
Fuck it.
It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.
* * *
The party is alreadyin full swing by the time Fletch and I arrive.