“Is that so? So, now you’re spying on me?”
“I’m just calling to see how you are.” I chuckle.
“Are you, by any chance calling to tell me all about what you and my daddy discussed? I tried to prize that information from him, but he referred me back to you.”
I want to tell her, but it’s way too soon. I’m still trying to digest it all myself. It’s also something that needs doing face to face.
“Soon. What does soon mean? Next week? Next year?”
“Soon means just that. Soon.”
“You legal types just like tying the rest of us up in knots. Next, you’ll be pleading the fifth amendment.” She huffs.
I laugh out loud. “Now, why didn’t I think of that? Anyway, I called for a reason.”
“So, you didn’t call to ask how I was doing?” I can tell she’s pouting.
“Well, that too, but there was one other thing.”
“And that is?”
I reopen the email from Cody Fletcher.
“I got an invitation from an old school friend from Yale. He’s hosting some get-together at the end of the month. I wasn’t sure whether I should attend or not.”
“Read it out to me.”
Hey, Jaine,
Long time, no speak. I hope life’s treating you well. I’m heading back to New York on a fleeting visit and was trying to coordinate a reunion. I’m asking some of the old crowd to come along. It would be great if you could make it.
I’ve dug out some photographs. Those were the days.
The date and venue are attached. I hope to see you there.
Take care,
Fletch, aka Cody Fletcher.
“Do you think he sent the same email to everyone?” she asks.
“I think so.”
“Do you want to go?”
“I’m not sure. I know Sasha won’t want to, and Cherry can’t, as she’s still on her sabbatical trying to recover from the ordeal of me putting her in charge of my company for two years.”
“Did you enjoy your time at Yale?”
“Yes and no.”
“Shit. That’s right. You went to school with Paddy.”
There’s a pause. She’s silently adding, 'It was back then that he cheated on you.’
“Do you think he’s been invited?”