I turn to look at her. Tell her the truth, that I’m a bloodthirsty fecker, or lie? She’s grown up in the life. She’s just admitted to witnessing death, even if she’s never taken a life.

“I have, darlin’.”

She nods slowly once more.

“Does that frighten you?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing frightens me, Irish.”

Could she be any more fucking perfect?

“Irish?” I raise an eyebrow.

Her cheeks turn pink as the corners of her mouth turn up. “You have a slight accent, so in my head, I always think of you as Irish.”

I snicker. Is it wrong that I like the fact that she’s just given me a nickname? “Irish it is then, Jaine.”

There’s a pause as she runs her finger over my birthmark once more, a small smile playing on her lips. “I guess I’m the one who’s been given all the luck because I never thought I’d have feelings for anyone after him, but I was wrong. I love you, Irish.”

Right now? Even though I’ve got blue balls? I feel like I’m king of the fucking hill.



Jones & Associates Legal, Upper East Side, New York

I’ve just been droppedoff.

I’ve had to promise Eoin I won’t go anywhere without Dec taking me and that I’ll let him know my precise movements.

My tattoo seems to have made him even more possessive, if that’s possible. Now that I’ve inked his initial on my skin, he seems to think he has an even bigger claim on me. It’s like he’s viewing it as some sort of fucked-up brand.

I’ve agreed with what he’s asked for today only, but only because my pussy’s still paying the price for the last small lapse in communication. I’m also having to wear a scarf to hide the damage his monster inflicted on my neck.

It’s seven a.m. The office is already buzzing.

You treat people right and reward them well, and in return, they work hard and go the extra mile when needed. Or at least that’s always been my experience.

We pay top dollar, and both the relocation and benefits packages we offer are second to none. There is a hierarchical structure in place simply because there has to be in an organization of this size.

Every employee is aware, however, that I operate an open-door policy. If someone has a problem, they know they can come straight to me, but for that level of investment of both my time and my money, I expect their loyalty and dedication.

Due to the expansion of both JAL and JAA, I’ve now had to take the entire building off Delaney’s hands. A big investment, given that I insisted on paying top dollar as I always do.

I leave all of the number crunching up to Jessie these days. If she says we can afford it, I’m confident we can. As the best accountant in the business, she knows what she’s doing. I trust her advice completely.

My thoughts drift to her. We haven’t spoken in a few days. With a smile on my face, I dial her number. As I do, I glance around my office with its grey carpets, white walls, and black furniture.

It’s too large now that Cherry and Sasha have vacated the premises, but I’m loathe to give it up for a smaller space. These four walls hold way too many memories, and these days, I try to preserve as many of those as I can.

Jessie answers straight away. “What am I in trouble for now, partner?”

“You sat there twiddling your goddamn thumbs, as I’m not even sure it rang,” I joke.

“I saw it was you. You never call me, so I figured you’ve either misdialed or I’m in some sort of trouble. Given that you never make mistakes, I opted for the second.”

“I just thought I’d touch base.”