Page 95 of Dirty Eoin

For the first time since I hatched my plan, guilt courses through me. The end is now in sight, but I’m not sure it’s the ending I want anymore.



The Hudson Dusters’ HQ, Manhattan, New York

“And here Ithought you and I were going to live the happily ever after, Jaine.” Aidan smirks at me, but from across the table this time. Eoin has insisted that I sit by his right-hand side.

He tenses beside me at the thought of his cousin laying so much as one finger on me. I can’t see his face, but Aidan’s reaction tells me all I need to know.

“Green’s not your color, cousin,” he quips with a smile.

Aidan needs to quit while he’s ahead. Eoin may not end his life because he’s family, but it doesn’t mean he won’t spill his blood.

Jessie laugh-snorts. Standing, she crosses the room barefoot to swing the Newton’s Cradle into action.

Aidan’s testing Eoin’s patience and pushing his boundaries. It’s meant in jest, but Eoin’s operating on a short fuse. Little JJ has started teething in earnest, and for the past few days, he’s been screaming the place down twenty-four-seven. It’s resulted in several sleepless nights. And what I’ve discovered is that Eoin O’Connell doesn’t cope well with abstinence.

Self-imposed or otherwise.

He wants to fuck daily. Several times a day. But he’s currently feeling the effects of the many sexless evenings. While being totally understanding, he’s become grumpy and reactive at having to do without. I pick up my phone just as Cillian starts to discuss the clubs and hotels side of their business.

Jaine:Can Dec drop me off at my office after this meeting is finished?

Eoin:Dec who? And why are you messaging me when I’m sitting right beside you?

Jaine:Because this is a private conversation. Dec. The guy you have tail me on a daily basis.

Eoin:I didn’t think you’d noticed.

Jaine:I miss nothing.

Eoin:Obviously. Well, I certainly miss something.

Jaine:One track mind?

Eoin:Not at all. Just a case of blue balls.

Jaine:It takes fifteen minutes to get to my office. Twenty if we take the scenic route.

Eoin:What are you suggesting?

Jaine:Nothing. Why? What did you think I was suggesting?

Eoin:That I fuck you in the back of the SUV.

Jaine:How dare you think I would ever suggest such a thing.

Eoin:Teasing, evil woman.

“Any update on the snipers?”

We all turn our attention to Fergal. He’s not around so much these days, and no doubt he’ll be leaving as soon as this meeting is concluded. Sarah, who seems to have become the Duster equivalent of Mary Poppins, has taken Caoimhe, Fin,andJJ to visit with Grandma Roisin.

Now he has two male grandchildren to bond with, Fergal won’t want to miss out on any opportunity to start grooming them into becoming perfect little mobsters. I’m sure he will have started the process early on with his own sons. No doubt by reciting aloud the atrocities of what their ancestors had gotten up to over the decades while they were still in the goddamn womb.

“I’m hopeful for an update on the Nevada ones imminently,” Dylan answers as he side-glances at me. “I spoke to Ty before the meeting. There’s a rumor going around that one of the hitmen is a local. They’re still looking into it.”