Page 77 of Dirty Eoin

“You haven’t seen anything if you think that manhandling, Mrs. O’Connell” I smile to myself.

“I’ve seen more than enough, thank you.”

“Stop lying.”

“I’m not lying.”

I laugh dryly. “Really? You and I both know if I’d wanted to fuck you in that restroom, you’d have let me.”

“Narcissus is on the other line. He’s asking for his arrogance back.”

Yet another smart-mouth reply, which I ignore. “You and I both know it’s true, Jaine.”

“Speculation. We’ll never know for sure.”

“And why is that?”

“Because from now on, I’ll make sure I’m never alone with you.”

“Really? Well, you’ll be alone with me imminently as I’m on my way to your apartment.”

“Don’t you fucking dare, Eoin. I won’t let you in,” she hisses.

“Then I’ll just break the door down.”

She disconnects the call and I smile at the phone. If she thinks a door will stop me from getting to her then she’s even more insane than I am.

Jaine’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York

“Open the door, Jaine. I meant what I said. I’ll break it down.”

It swings open almost immediately. The glamorous dress has gone. Once more, she’s attempting to hide behind her uniform tank top and combats.

I drag my gaze slowly up her body. By the time I reach her nipples, they’re already crying out for my attention, and when I reach her face, I find flushed pink cheeks as a result.

Her body’s betraying her. She wants me. She can’t fucking deny it anymore. That body of hers is screaming out to be possessed by mine.

And it will be.


“You have five minutes.” She stands back and motions for me to step inside. I lean against the door frame.

“You do me an injustice, Mrs. O’Connell, if you think all I can last is five minutes.” I smirk as I make my way past.

I glance around. It’s all unchanged since I was here last, but then she has been living in California for the best part of two years.

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it. And my name’s Jones. Jaine Jones.”

She sounds flustered. I’m making her nervous and it’s because she doesn’t trust herself around me.

“You’re married to me. That makes you an O’Connell,” I answer while continuing to look around.

Whether permanent or temporary, for as long as she’s my wife, she will carry the family name. Anything else is simply unacceptable.

Uninvited, I sit on the sofa, stretching my arms across the back. I’ve changed into a fitted white t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. From the way Jaine’s staring, she’s highly appreciative of the t-shirt’s snug fit. I stretch out my legs in front of me and her eyes drop to my crotch. She stares longer than could ever be considered polite before she realizes and quickly raises her gaze to meet mine.

“Enjoying the view?”