Page 65 of Dirty Eoin

“Let me think.” His smirk widens as his mind drifts to Jaine. “She’s beautiful. Intelligent. Successful. And I’ll bet she looks sexy as fuck in all that leather gear.”

My thoughts drift back to when I took the vows with her. He’s right. She does look sexy as fuck wrapped head to toe in her biker attire.

Jessie laugh-snorts in response just as there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Candice enters the room. “Jaine’s here.” She smiles at me as she makes the unexpected announcement. I glance at Da, and he nods.

“Send her in,” I reply.

All eyes are on Jaine the moment she walks through the door. She’s wearing a pale grey pantsuit today, the fit displaying her slim shape so perfectly Aidan’s tongue is almost hanging out of his mouth.

“It’s good to see you, Jaine.” Da cuts the silence with a pleasantry.

“Is it?” She smiles.

It’s clear she thinks herself so clever at having manipulated this situation to her own advantage. Is this the best she could retaliate with? If it is, then I’m sorely disappointed. I expected so much more after she threw down the gauntlet so vehemently before threatening to destroy my life. I thought I’d be deserving of at least something noteworthy, not simple delaying tactics. That’s all this is.

She takes the same seat as before, placing her briefcase on the table. Aidan smiles charmingly at her, and she returns it with one of her own. She then turns her attention to Molly, who’s sitting in her usual place to my right. The atmosphere instantly turns frigid. It’s understandable. I’m not naïve enough to think, in Jaine’s case at least, that it has anything to do with any high regard for me.

Her gaze switches to my bruised lip, and my traitorous dick twitches as my own gaze drops to her lips. The things I want to do to that cussing, disobedient little fucking mouth.

She looks between Molly and me. I can tell she’s not best pleased that we’re acting like a couple and like nothing’s changed.

I’m not sure why. Nothing has.

Maybe she thought the moment she became my paper wife that I’d behave like an obedient dog and come to heel. If she wants that sort of loyalty, then she’ll have to fulfill all of her wifely duties, both in and out of the bedroom.

When Molly places her hand possessively on my thigh, I don’t immediately remove it like I normally would. Everyone is well aware of its placement. Even Jaine.

Jaine looks between us both. Do I detect a hint of jealousy?

“How did the meeting with Rod go, partner?” Jessie pipes up, interrupting the prolonged silence. So, she knew exactly where she was all along.

“As planned.” She opens her briefcase as she responds. “I’m between meetings. I was passing so I thought I’d drop the latest order in.”

“Rod’s in New York? He never mentioned anything.” I raise an eyebrow at her.

She looks at me. Her gaze then flits to Molly once more before returning.

“He flew in this morning. I’ve already explained he asked that I personally handle all business affairs between the Dusters and La eMe moving forward. With that in mind, he perhaps thought there was no need to let you know the minute he landed in town.”

She throws the paperwork on the tabletop.

“The weaponry order is twenty-five percent larger than previous. Rod asked for a reduction because of the sizeable increase. I perused the contract there and then, reviewed the figures with Jessie over the phone, then provisionally agreed to his offer on the Dusters’ behalf. It made complete business sense to accept. I just need a signature on the paperwork. I can of course revert back with a counter-offer if you prefer, but I think you’ll find that they’ve been more than fair.”

“Surely, I should be the one reviewing that information. I am, after all, the Dusters’ external legal representation, not you,” Molly retorts.

Jaine ignores her barb. “Rod asked for a provisional yes or no during the meeting. I reviewed the detail, discussed it with Jessie, and based on our findings, I called it.”

“It probably benefits La eMe.” Molly snorts.

There’s a pause before Jaine responds. “Are you suggesting that I would agree to a deal that would be in any way detrimental to the Dusters?” Her tone is cool.

“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting,” Molly tosses back.

Jaine pauses again. “Rather than make unsubstantiated accusations, why don’t you take a look at the contract yourself? Then again, maybe you should source some unbiased legal representation beforehand to assist you with that given you’re not qualified to do so.”