Page 62 of Dirty Eoin

And I prayed for the something to be one-sided.

It’s not.

The only thing that could go wrong has. There was nothing fake about the part I played in that kiss. And doesn’t this asshole just fucking know it?

I push him backward, then storm past the wide-eyed, open-mouthed stares of Dylan and Jessie on my way out of the church, cursing inwardly as I do.

I dread to think what Father O’Reilly made of that spectacle. If I wasn’t already going to hell, then I sure am now.

But that’s now the least of my worries.

My thoughts switch to Ace.

Gripping my hog, I gulp the frigid night air into my lungs before leaning over and heaving my guts onto the grass verge.

It’s bile. Nothing else. I haven’t eaten a thing today. All I did was contemplate what I was going to have to do.

Standing upright, I wipe the tears from my face as I try to swallow down the guilt.

This is all too soon, but I have zero control over the timings of all the things that continue to go wrong in my life. All I can do is roll with the punches and keep reminding myself that I’m doing this for the right reasons.



Eoin's Apartment, Hudson Yards, New York

“Eoin, where are you?”

“I’m at home, Dylan.”

Pouring myself a whiskey, I glance around my apartment with its dark brown furniture and accents contrasting against a cream backdrop. It’s a warm, calming space which is exactly what I need. I seldom drink, but Jaine is going out of her way to drive me to it.

Infuriating, evil woman.

It’s no wonder our Paddy is a borderline alcoholic having had to handle her for over a decade.

“So, you left the rest of us standing at the altar and just fucked off home?”

“The runaway bride had already absconded after the deed was done. I went in search of her, but she had ridden off into the night on that hog of hers.”

“The deed was definitely done all right. I mean, what the hell was that all about?”

“What do you mean?” I frown as I swirl my drink around the crystal glass.

“That X-rated display you and Jaine put on. I almost felt the need to place my hands over poor old Father O’Reilly’s eyes. He’ll be scarred for life after witnessing that. I’m surprised he didn’t start crossing himself before chucking a bucket of holy water over you to separate you both.”

“I’ll send him a note of apology.”

“There’s no need to apologize. He did tell you to kiss your bride, after all. I guess none of us expected you and Jaine to react with quite so much enthusiasm given how terse your relationship has been until now.”

“Her responsiveness took me by surprise also.”

I can still taste the unique addictive sweetness of her mouth as it surrendered to mine. I want more. Way more. I want fucking all of her. And I will have her.

It’s only a matter of time.

“So, are you now going to hate-fuck each other?”