Page 59 of Dirty Eoin

I side glance at him before returning my eyes to Jaine. “I’m not sure anyone’s thought that far ahead. Including Da.”

“How did Molly take the news?”

“I haven’t told her.”

I feel his eyes boring into the side of my head. “Holy shit, Eoin. Why not?”

I shrug. “There was never any guarantee that Jaine would turn up. I didn’t see the point in letting the girl down for nothing.”

“Do you love her?”

“Which one?”


“No. But I owe her.”

“You don’t owe her.”

“She saved my life.”

“Maybe she did. Maybe she didn’t.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I turn and frown at him, but he doesn’t make eye contact.

“Nothing. Ignore me. Anyway, do you still fancy yourself in love with Jaine?”

I pause before I answer as I take in the too-slim blonde who’s wearing that defiant attitude of hers like a badge of fucking honor. “I thought I did. But it was more of an infatuation. A simple case of wanting something I couldn’t and shouldn’t have. It just made me crave it more.”

“Do you think you’ll grow to love her?”

“Do you think she’ll grow to love me?”

I answer his question with a question. His silence speaks volumes.

He exhales slowly. “This union will break Paddy’s heart.”

“I’m sure he’d rather his heart broken than anything happen to his son.”

“True. Anyway.” He steps in front of me before giving me a hug. “For what it’s worth, I wish you well, brother.”

He releases me and I nod at him. He then turns and nods at Jaine. She looks between us both then nods slowly back at him in silent response. She and I are doing our duty to our respective families today. Nothing more.

Father O’Reilly motions for Jaine and me to step forward.

What happens next is as much a blur for me as it is for her, I’m sure. For thirty-eight years, I’ve waited to marry the right woman. Now, I’m marrying the wrong one. Still, we’re in the same boat. We’re both having to take the vows with someone we’d much rather not.

I’m holding Jaine’s hands in mine. They’re tiny. For all her big-mouthed defiance, she really is delicate and fragile. I’m sure if I called her either of those things to her face it would be met with a torrent of abuse and foul language. I have to remember that these small hands broke the neck of a man twice her size.

I watch her, and she catches me. Our gazes hold as she slips the ring on my finger.

It feels intimate somehow. In a way, it is. Regardless of the reasons, we’re making a commitment to each other. From today onward, she is mine. To protect. To care for.

To love.

I’m about to place the ring on her finger when I notice she’s still wearing her wedding band from Ace. Her eyes connect with mine. She looks emotional. She either thinks I’m going to ask her to remove it or that I’m going to slip it off and replace it.

She really does think me that heartless.