We’re in my apartment. It’s all still monochrome in shades of black, white, anthracite, and silver. I’ve purchased the one directly below, so Duke can have his own space but still be close at hand. He complains it’s too big for just him, and that it’s also way too expensive. I’ve argued that it’s a good investment, which it is, even though I insisted on paying Delaney full market value. It’s a small price to pay to have Duke here with me. He’s Ace’s dad. Aside from my boys, he’s the only real family I’ve got. Well, aside from the faceless father I’ve yet to meet. And while I may be about to gain another, Duke will always be my father-in-law.
“So, when is this happy event taking place?”
“This evening,” I admit.
“So soon.” He frowns, his face now clearly displaying the concern he was trying his best to hide.
I shrug. “Well, there’s no point in delaying the inevitable.”
“Your witnesses?”
“Jessie and Dylan.”
He exhales. “You spoke to Jessie about all this yet?”
He’s likely hoping she’ll talk some sense into me. That she’ll tell me I’m rushing into things. That I’m obviously still not thinking straight.
That she’ll make me change my mind.
She won’t. My thoughts are crystal clear. My mind is made up.
“Nope. Eoin’s going to speak to Dylan when I speak with her. He’s just waiting for me to give him the nod. I wanted to discuss it with you first. Explain my reasons. I don’t want you to think I’m over Ace or that I’m in any way disrespecting what we shared by marrying again so soon. I will never be over Ace, but after what happened to him and what went down at St. Patrick’s, I need to do everything I can to ensure Fin and JJ are protected, and that you and Irish are too.”
“Don’t marry the Duster on my account, Jainie. At the end of the day, I’m an old man and you’re still a young girl. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”
“I would die for you, Duke. Same as I would gladly have taken Ace’s place. You know that. And you’re not old. You’re sixty. Plus, Sasha doesn’t seem to think you’re old.”
I smirk at him, and he shoots me a small smile. Sasha and her mom have taken Fin and JJ out for the day. I’ve noticed the way she is with him. I can’t say it’s not a little weird seeing my friend flirt with my father-in-law given he’s twice her age, but who am I to judge? Age is just a number. Life’s too short to get hung up over that or anything else.
“Have you thought about how Padraig will react to the news?”
“I can’t let that influence my decision. He’s married now, and when we crossed paths recently, he couldn’t have looked more indifferent if he’d tried. He’s clearly moved on with his life, just as I have to do with mine.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t an act?”
“He looked happy at St. Patrick’s, and he didn’t know I was there.”
He frowns. He can’t argue with that. Neither of us can.
I pause my pacing. “Listen, Duke, all I know is that I have to do everything in my power to protect his son and Ace’s son. Nothing else matters. Not my feelings. Not your feelings. Not Irish’s feelings. Someone is gunning for the Dusters, and as soon as it becomes common knowledge that Fin is an O’Connell, he’ll immediately become their weakness. We both know how these games work.”
“But marriage is a big commitment, Jainie. It’s for life with the Irish. Once you’re in, there’s no way back out. And the rest of your life could prove to be a long time if you have to spend it with the wrong person.”
“I know that.” I don’t mention my get out of jail free card, as he’ll only ask questions as to why I need it.
“Do you love him?”
“What? No!” I sound appalled, and it causes Duke’s frown to deepen further at the realization of the true extent of what I’m signing myself up for.
“So, what’s in this for you?”
“That’s between God and me, Duke. You’ll just have to trust that I know what I’m doing. I just need your blessing before I do it.”
“You have it, Jainie. You’ve always had it.”
I know he’s worried, but my reasons for going through with this arrangement stack up, and he knows it.
He doesn’t need to know that there’s any more to it than that.