“Who were the bad guys trying to kill?”
I shrug. “I have no idea.”
“But Mr. X does?”
“I reckon he does.”
She sticks out her bottom lip huffily. “I wish I could call Jaine to tell her, but she knows what day it is today. It wouldn’t be fair. Plus, she’ll still be getting settled in.”
“Settled in?” I frown at her.
“Back in her apartment.”
I look at her in confusion. “You never mentioned she was back in Manhattan.”
She shrugs. “I knew she was heading back sooner than she wanted to, but she couldn’t or wouldn’t say why. Apparently, it was something she could only discuss with Paul Delaney.”
I nod knowingly. “So Razr mentioned her return to Bee…”
“And Bee told me, yup.”
“So, you weren’t meant to know.”
“I guess not. No one was.” She at least has the decency to look and sound sheepish.
I turn as our Eoin approaches, the sound of wailing pig sirens now filling the air.
“Got it.” He holds up the other engraved bullet.
Molly rushes to his side and wraps her arms around his waist like he’s somehow saved the day by finding it.
I smirk at her, and it’s met with a scowl. There’s no love lost between us. Everyone is aware that I don’t like her. I make no attempt to disguise it either, and the feeling’s mutual.
I’ve gone a complete one-eighty. From never saying boo to a goose to having an opinion on everything and everyone.
That lot should have been more careful what they wished for.
I glance at my eldest brother, who’s wearing a frown as he surveys the wrecked church. I reckon at least one gun was pointed at Eoin’s head today. And if that’s the case then this is the second time Jaine Jones will have saved his life.
I excuse myself, leaving Jessie talking to Cillian, Sarah, and Ma, and make my way outside. I need to make an important call.
Standing on the church steps, I dial his number. He answers within three rings.
“Razr. The Exterminator paid us a visit today.” I get straight to the point.
“Is that right.” It’s not a question.
“Have they been in contact with you?”
“Not yet, no.”
I pause as my blood runs cold in my veins. I’m sure my delayed response causes his to do the same. It’s been almost an hour since the fateful shots were fired. Jaine should have touched base with him by now. If she hasn’t then there’s a reason for that.
“Where the fuck is she?”
This is the first time either of us will have acknowledged the fact that we each know who The Exterminator is.
“She has her burner.”